
Call-to-actions for PatternFly Elements

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nomensaPfeCta from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nomensa/pfe-cta';


WIP 🐣: PFElements CTA Element

pfe-cta is a call-to-action (CTA) element, that stands out from regular hypertext links, and is used for linking users to webpages.

Note: pfe-cta can be a button or a link.


  <a href="https://github.com/">GitHub</a>

<pfe-cta priority="primary">
  <a href="https://pfelements.github.io/">Learn more about PFElements</a>

<pfe-cta priority="secondary">
  <a href="https://redhat.com/">Red Hat</a>


Default slot

We expect an anchor tag, <a> with an href, to be the first child inside pfe-cta element.


Theme Var Hook Description Default
--pfe-theme--color--ui-link Link color for default CTA $pfe-color--ui-link
--pfe-theme--color--ui-link--hover Hover color for default CTA $pfe-color--ui-link--hover
--pfe-theme--color--ui-link--focus Focus color for default CTA $pfe-color--ui-link--focus
--pfe-theme--color--ui-accent Color for Primary CTA $pfe-color--ui-accent
--pfe-theme--color--ui-accent--hover Hover color for Primary CTA $pfe-color--ui-accent--hover
--pfe-theme--color--ui-accent--text Text color for Primary CTA $pfe-color--ui-accent--text
--pfe-theme--color--ui-accent--text--hover Hover text color for Primary CTA $pfe-color--ui-accent--text--hover
--pfe-theme--color--ui-base Border & text color for Secondary CTA $pfe-color--ui-base
--pfe-theme--color--ui-base--hover Hover color for Secondary CTA $pfe-color--ui-base--hover
--pfe-theme--color--ui-base--text Background color for Secondary CTA $pfe-color--ui-base--text
--pfe-theme--color--ui-base--text--hover Hover text color for Secondary CTA $pfe-color--ui-base--text--hover
--pfe-theme--color--text--on-dark Link color for default CTA with on="dark" $pfe-color--text--on-dark
--pfe-theme--color--ui-link--on-dark--hover Hover color for default CTA with on="dark" $pfe-color--ui-link--on-dark--hover

Testing Theme Var Hooks

If you'd like to checkout how theming is possible using our CSS Var hooks, try adding the following to the <head> of ./demo/index.html before running npm run test. Feel free to customize the colors too!

:root {
  --pfe-theme--color--ui-accent:               green;
  --pfe-theme--color--ui-accent--hover:        darkgreen;
  --pfe-theme--color--ui-accent--text:         white;
  --pfe-theme--color--ui-accent--text--hover:  white;


npm run test


npm run build


From the PFElements root directory, run:

npm start

Code style

Cta (and all PFElements) use Prettier to auto-format JS and JSON. The style rules get applied when you commit a change. If you choose to, you can integrate your editor with Prettier to have the style rules applied on every save.