
Webpack SCSS loader for BEM environment

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nonameLandScssLoader from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@noname-land/scss-loader';




It uses sass-loader inside, and two “preloaders” for it.

The first preloader adds $b variable with a current BEM block name as a value. It tries to find it using recursive file system tree search from current file to /.

The second preloader adds @imports of all paths listed in pathsToImports option.

Everything else is just a regular sass-loader.

Works with SCSS only.


npm i --save @noname-land/scss-loader


// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  // ...
  module: {
    rules: [
      // ...
        test: /\.scss$/,
        use: [
          // ...
            loader: '@noname-land/scss-loader',
            options: {
              implementation: require('sass'),
              sassOptions: {
                fiber: require('fibers'),
                sourceMap: true,
                includePaths: ['absolute/path/to/files'],
              // ↑ optional things here; 
              // just to clarify that you can pass them through 
              // this loader to sass-loader
              pathsToImport: [
              // ↑ option for second “preloader” 
          // ...
      // ...
  // ...


Let's say you have a file tree kind of this:

└── variables.scss
└── block
    └── __elem
        └── block__elem.scss


#{$b}__elem {
  color: $mainColor;


$mainColor: red;

And you also have the loader configured in this way:

// ...
  loader: '@noname-land/scss-loader',
  options: {
    // ...
    pathsToImport: [
// ...

On build stage your block__elem.scss will be changed step-by-step:

  1. $b will be prepended:

    $b: 'block';   
    #{$b}__elem {
      color: $mainColor;
  2. Then @import to variables.scss will be prepended:

    @import 'path/to/common/variables.scss';   
    $b: 'block';   
    #{$b}__elem {
      color: $mainColor;
  3. Finally, sass-loader will compile your file using Sass renderer, and you will get this:

    .block__elem {
      color: red;