
norfield core business logic and validation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import norfieldCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@norfield/core';



Definitive source of Norfield's data structures, validation rules, and business logic


// Clone repo to local
git clone https://<user>@bitbucket.org/ndpdev/norfieldjs.git

// Install node modules for root folder
npm install

// Run unit tests
npm run test


This library is intended to encapsulate all the validation and business logic for Norfield models. It should not be coupled to any specific project, and be compatible with any front end / back end framework.

If you want to watch the repo for changes and recompile automatically, use the following command and remember to restart newtin-ii Nodemon:

npm run js:watch


To make changes in this repository available to another repository (such as newtin-ii) without having to push new versions up to NPM, you can use npm link:

# in norfieldjs:
sudo npm link

# in newtin-ii:
npm link @norfield/core

Before creating a pull request, be sure to unlink and reinstall packages and run unit tests. If you are using Nodemon you may need to restart since Nodemon ignores node_modules by default.


For now, publishing packages is a manual process

// Navigate to the root directory
cd norfieldjs

// Log in to NPM (if necessary, you may receive a PUT 404 if not logged in)
npm login

// To publish to npm
npm publish


Generating documentation

npm run docs