
NorJS Portal Service for other microservices

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import norjsPortalService from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@norjs/portal-service';



This is a micro service acting as a HTTP gateway between services.

See also @norjs/manager-service which can use the same configuration file and manages service start & stop.

The main use case is to act as an authorizing gateway between TCP/IP network and local file-based socket services.

Configuration File

A configuration file ./nor.json could look like:

  "auth": {
    "default": {
      "path": "./MyAuthenticator.js",
      "config": "./auth.json"
  "routes": {
    "/event": {
      "socket": "./event.sock",
      "auth": "default"
    "/database": {
      "socket": "./database.sock",
      "auth": "default"
    "/public": {
      "target": "http://public.example.com/"


Implement an authenticator in a file named ./MyAuthenticator.js:

 * @implements {NorPortalAuthenticator}
class MyAuthenticator {
    constructor (config) {
        this._config = config;
     * @param context {NorPortalContextObject}
     * @returns {boolean}
    hasAccess (context) {
        return !!context && (context.password === this._config.password);

module.exports = MyAuthenticator;

Note! This is just a simplified example.

Start the service

Start in a TCP port localhost:3000:

NODE_LISTEN='3000' nor-portal-service

Start in a socket file:

NODE_LISTEN='./portal.sock' nor-portal-service

The configuration will be readed from ./nor.json by default. You may change it:

NOR_PORTAL_CONFIG='./portal/nor.json' \
NODE_LISTEN='./portal.sock' \