Common NorJS frontend components.
WebStorm and Typing in JSDoc
@FIXME: This should be an article at
Enable ES6 in WebStorm
Change to use EcmaScript 6 at Webstorm -> Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> JavaScript.
Install 3rd Party typing information
You may 3rd party libraries from Webstorm -> Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> JavaScript -> Libraries.
You should have Node.js Core and HTML enabled.
We use type names from DefinitelyTyped for AngularJS, UI Router, etc. You should clone this repository on your local system.
You can install these .d-files to your WebStorm so it can also understand them.
We recommend to install only specific versions:
- types/angular/index.d.ts
- types/angular-ui-router/index.d.ts
- types/angular-translate/index.d.ts
- types/angular-sanitize/index.d.ts
- types/angular/jqlite.d.ts
- types/lodash/index.d.ts
- types/moment-timezone/index.d.ts
- types/uuidv4/index.d.ts
You may install these libraries from Webstorm -> Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> JavaScript -> Libraries.
Typing Quick List
Injectable Name | Type Name |
$injector | |
$element |
JQLite |
$q |
angular.IQService |
$attrs |
angular.IAttributes |
$scope |
angular.IScope |
$compile |
angular.ICompileService |
$timeout |
angular.ITimeoutService |
$document |
angular.IDocumentService |
$rootScope |
angular.IRootScopeService |
$interval |
angular.IIntervalService |
$http |
angular.IHttpService |
$state |
angular.ui.IState |
AngularJS's component options | angular.IComponentOptions |
form's controller | angular.IFormController |
ng-model's controller | angular.INgModelController |