
Convenient enumeration pattern for JavaScript.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import northscalerEnumSupport from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@northscaler/enum-support';



Convenient enumeration pattern for JavaScript.

NB: Credit is due to https://github.com/rauschma/enumify, which appears to be no longer maintained as of this writing (November, 2019).

NB2: This release contains breaking changes since v3.0.0. See details at the end of this document.


This library uses objects to represent enumerations, not just simple integer values. It's a little bit like the way Java implements enums.

In this implementation, you ask the Enumeration class to create your enum, including

  • its name,
  • its values,
  • optionally, its instance methods, and
  • optionally, unique instance methods for each of its values.

Here's a simple example.

const Enumeration = require('@northscaler/enum-support')
const Color = Enumeration.new({ name: 'Color', values: ['RED', 'GREEN', 'BLUE'] })

Stock features

The enumeration class you get has certain characteristics, including the following.

  • They are sealed.
  • They are frozen.
  • They are not extendable, throwing ClassNotExtendableError from the constructor if subclassed then instantiated.
  • They are not instantiable, throwing EnumClassNotInstantiableError from the constructor if newed.

Each Enumeration class created via Enumeration.new() has the following public properties and methods.

  • values: a static, frozen property containing an array of each of the instances, also frozen, of the enumeration; the order of the array determines each enum's ordinal (zero-based).
  • $ERROR$: a static property containing an UnknownEnumValueError subclass that has a name equal to Unknown${name}EnumValue code equal to E_UNKNOWN_${toUpperSnake(name)}_ENUM_VALUE.
  • of(nameOrOrdinal): a static method that returns the enumeration instance given its name or zero-based ordinal; throws an instance of $ERROR$ if not found.
  • isInstance(it): a static method that returns truey if it is an instance of the enumeration's class (and yes, instanceof works, too, since these are just classes).
  • isClass(it): a static method that returns truey if the given class is the enumeration class.
  • Symbol.iterator: a static property that returns an iterator over values.

Each value (or, technically, Enumeration subclass instance) is frozen & has the following public properties & methods:

  • name: a string property containing the name of the value.
  • ordinal: a number representing the value's position amongst all values, as determined by the array of values you give to Enumeration.new().
  • toString(): returns a concatenation of the class's name, followed by a ., followed by the value's name (ie, Color.RED.toString() === 'Color.RED').


For full usage, see the tests.

Simple enumeration of values only

const Color = Enumeration.new({
  name: 'Color',                   // 1
  values: ['RED', 'GREEN', 'BLUE'] // 2
  1. Give the enumeration its name
  2. Provide each enumerated value as a literal string.

Enumeration with an instance method

  const Day = Enumeration.new({
    name: 'Day',
  // 1
    isWeekend() {
      return this === Day.SATURDAY || this === Day.SUNDAY
    isWeekday () {
      return !this.isWeekend()
  1. Simply provide a second parameter as a literal object with methods that you wan to add to the enumeration class

Enumeration with values that have their own methods

  const TicTacToePiece = Enumeration.new({
    name: 'TicTacToePiece',
    values: {                                       // 1
      O: {                                          // 2
        get inverse () { return TicTacToePiece.X },
        oh () { return 'o' }                        // 3
      X: {                                          // 2
        get inverse () { return TicTacToePiece.O },
        ex () { return 'x' }                        // 4
  1. Instead of providing an array of literal strings, provide an object whose keys are used as enumeration value names
  2. The value of each key is a literal object with methods that go on that specific value.
  3. Method unique to TicTacToePiece.O
  4. Method unique to TicTacToePiece.X

Breaking changes since v3.0.0

  • All enumeration classes & instances are frozen & sealed, throwing ClassNotExtendableError.
  • Enumeration class constructors now throw EnumClassNotInstantiableError if instantiated.
  • $ERROR$ class now has its name set correctly.
  • Removed static property INITIALIZED from enumeration classes.
  • Removed methods isEnumerationInstance & isEnumerationClass from Enumeration.