
A vue library to build automaticaly forms from a data schema

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import norx85VueAutoform from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@norx85/vue-autoform';



A Vue.js library to automate form creation, with theming support.

Supported Vue.js version: >= 2.5

Supported ui themes (for now) are:

To install

npm i --save @norx85/vue-autoform

If you have problem importing this module with webpack it's probably caused by the '@' char of my scoped package, because Webpack try to resolve src folder. A workaround is to override '@' behavior in webpack resolve.alias config:

module.exports = {
    resolve: {
        alias: {
            // put this to solve scoped package resolution in node_modules
            '@': ''

How it works


import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import Vuetify from 'vuetify'
import 'vuetify/dist/vuetify.min.css';
import AutoForm from '@norx85/vue-autoform';
new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    components: { App },
    template: '<app/>'


    <af-form v-model="formData" :schema="schema" locale="en_us" theme="vuetify" @submit="onSubmit"></auto-form>
    export default {
        name: 'app',
        data () {
            return {
                formData : {},
                schema : [
                        label : 'Name',
                        name : 'name',
                        type: 'string'
                        label : 'Surname',
                        name : 'surname',
                        type: 'string'
                        label : 'Email',
                        name : 'email',
                        type: 'string',
                        inputType: 'email'
                        label : 'Password',
                        name : 'password',
                        type: 'string',
                        inputType: 'password'
                        label : 'Confirm Password',
                        name : 'confirm_password',
                        type: 'string',
                        inputType: 'password'
        methods: {
            onSubmit () {
                // do what you want with submitted data
            this.formData = {
                name : 'Nicolas',
                surname : 'Cage'


<af-form />

Property Type Possible values Default Description
theme String vuetify, element-ui vuetify The theme used by the form
locale String en_us, it_it, zh_cn en_us The locale used by the form
schema [Schema] - - An array of Schema objects the defines the form fields
value Object - - bindable value of the form, use v-model to obtains a two-way binding to value
Event Description
input fired when form data change
submit fired on submit


Property Type Possible values Default Description
name String - - Name of the field in submitted data
type String string, number, boolean, date, datetime, time, object, geojson, html - Data type of the field
inputType String html types in text field, other values are: radio, select, checkbox - Determines the type of input rendered
multiple Boolean true, false false If true the field contains an array of the selected data type (if possible)
defaultValue Any - - A default value for the field, must be in the corresponding data type
min Number - 0 In a text field is the min char count, in a number field the min value, in a multiple select or checkbox the min number of values to be choosed, in a date field is the min choosable date
max Number - - In a text field is the max char count, in a number field the max value, in a multiple select or checkbox the max number of values that can be choosed, in a date field is the max choosable date
step Number > 0 1 The step of a numeric field
rows Number >= 1 1 In a text field determines if is a text area and the number of rows
regEx RegEx - - Used to validate a text field
required RegEx - - Set field as required in form validation
prefix String - - Add a prefix text where possible
suffix String - - Add a prefix text where possible
options [String], [Number], [Object] - - Array of options for a multiple type field
textProp String - - When options are objects defines the property to be used as label
valueProp String - - When options are objects defines the property to be used as value
trueLabel String - based on locale In a boolean field is the label used for the true option
falseLabel String - based on locale In a boolean field is the label used for the false option
extras Object - - Extra options for fields based on theme
$ [Schema] - - This property is array of Schema, required and used only when type is object. It defines the form fields of the represented object

Code Example





  • themed forms v-form and el-form with validation
  • rescripted element-ui fields with el-form-item
  • new required prop


  • GeoJSON point field, use geojson as type in schema for this field
  • fixed a bug of the text field in vuetify theme

Roadmap to v1

  • GeoJSON fields
  • Working form validation
  • Passing custom class to fields
  • Passing custom properties to fields
  • Custom theming
  • Custom locales
  • More locales


This library is inspired by wenzhixin vue-auto-form Thanks to:


This library is licensed under the The MIT License.

If you like my work you can Star this repository or you can buy me a coffee:

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Thanks for your support

Giulio De Giorgio norx85gh@gmail.com