NotGovUK - Anchor List
A list of anchors. Items that contain links to the current page are marked as active. Useful for navigation menus.
Using this package
First install the package into your project:
npm install -S @not-govuk/anchor-list
Then use it in your code as follows:
import React, { createElement as h } from 'react';
import AnchorList from '@not-govuk/anchor-list';
export const MyComponent = props => (
<AnchorList items={[
{ href: '/', text: 'Inactive 1' },
{ href: '#main-content', text: 'Active' },
{ href: '/#main-content', text: 'Inactive 2' }
]} />
export default MyComponent;
Working on this package
Before working on this package you must install its dependencies using the following command:
pnpm install
npm test
npm run build
npm run clean