
Package mailer for Notadd.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import notaddAddonMailer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@notadd/addon-mailer';


NotAdd Mailbox delivery plug - in


1.Send mailbox function

2.Custom mailbox template function

3.Mailbox log


yarn add @notadd/addon-mailer


  imports: [EmailModule],
import { EmailModule } from "@notadd/addon-mailer";
constructor(@Inject(EmailComponentProvider) private readonly emailComponentProvider: EmailComponentProvider,

//    Call the mail plug-in to send mail
   * Send mail
   * @param mContent replaceModuleParameter
   * @param {number} mid ModuleId
   * @param {[string]} email 
   * @param {string} sender Sender name
   * @param {number} emailConfigId emailConfig Id
   * @returns {Promise<{code; message}>}
   const result = await this.emailComponentProvider.sendEmail(mContent: {name: user.name, pwd: newPassword}, mid: 1, email: [email], sender: "xxx", emailConfigId: 1);
   f (result.code !== 200) {
        return { errno: 400, errmsg: "邮件发送失败,请稍后重试", data: "" };