
Quickly drop in a status-bar in the top/bottom of a page if you have an important message to share.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import novicellMessageBar from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@novicell/message-bar';


npm version npm


Quickly drop in a status-bar in the top/bottom of a page if you have an important message to share.


Link to codepen: https://codepen.io/Novicell/pen/ZEGoXqe


There is multiple ways to install the component, you can either install it as a NPM package, or you can include it directly from a CDN.


npm install @novicell/message-bar

Then you can include the package in your main.js or similar depending on your project accordingly

import '@novicell/message-bar';


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@novicell/message-bar/dist/message-bar.js"></script>

or for a specific version

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@novicell/message-bar@0.0.3/dist/message-bar.js"></script>


To use the application simply drop in the html tag

<message-bar background-color="#FF8387"
             message="Breaking news: We are closed due to unforeseen circumstances"></message-bar>


The component has multiple properties that you can use to adjust the look and feel as well as the message of the message bar.

  • position: - Decides if the bar should sit at the top or the bottom of the page (Default: "top")
  • background-color - Decides the background color of the bar, can be hex, rgba, etc (Default: "#FF8387")
  • color - Decides the color of text the bar, can be hex, rgba, etc (Default: "#FFF")
  • message - Sets the text within the bar (Default: "This is your message.")
  • href - Sets the link of the button (Default: "") (Button wont be shown if no link is provided)
  • button-text - Sets the text within the button (Default: "Read more")
  • target - Decides if the link should open in the current page or a new window etc. (Default: "_self")
  • fixed - Decides if the bar should be positioned fixed or relative (Default: "fixed")