
Bundler for nx libraries

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import novoteaNxLibBundle from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@novotea/nx-lib-bundle';


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What is nx-lib-bundle

nx-lib-bundle is a minimalistic attempt at bundling NX workspace libraries in individual publishable npm packages. It has no dependencies on NX itself, but uses the layout conventions of NX to discover the version, npmScope and possible packages it can build.

What will nx-lib-bundle do

Upon execution nx-lib-bundle will performs the following tasks:

  • Look for nx.json, workspace.json and package.json
  • Build node package files in dist with the npmScope and project name
  • Use the version number of package.json
  • If a package-template.json is found in the workspace root, then its content will be added to the generated package.json
  • If a package-template.json is found in a library project directory, then its content will be added to the generated package.json
  • Build flattenend ES5 and ES2015 versions of the projects in UMD and ES formats with sourcemaps included
  • The UMD format also contains a minified version
  • Create typings for these projects
  • Setup the corresponding package.json and set dependencies. The versions for these
    dependencies will be taken from the nx package.json

nx-lib-bundle uses rollup and uglify-js to achieve its goals.

How to install

npm i -D @novotea/nx-lib-bundle


npx nx-lib-bundle --help
nx-lib-bundle <cmd> [args]

  nx-lib-bundle all                   build all nx workspace libraries
  nx-lib-bundle bundle <projects...>  Bundle multiple nx workspace libraries

  --output, -o  Target directory of the bundle        [string] [default: "dist"]
  --version     Show version number                                    [boolean]
  --help        Show help                                              [boolean]