Azure Blob Archiver
Archive your unused Azure blobs and save money.
To store files in Azure the blob-storage([b]inary-[l]arge-[ob]ject) can be a good option. But if you do not need to access this files on a regular bases you are probably paing more than you shoud. This tool helps you to move blobs in the archive storage, save money and make those files available again when you need them.
Prerequisites: node.js v10+
npm i -g @nowtilus/azure-blob-archiver
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY="<your-azure-storage-account-key>" azure-blob-archiver [options] <your-azure-storage-account-key>
Note the OS differences when setting environment variables:
- Linux/Mac: export STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY="
" - PowerShell: $env:STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY="
--container, -c Container name. Default: Load all containers in the storage account.
--tier, -t Target access tier. Defaults to 'Archive' - Possible: 'Hot', 'Cool', 'Archive', 'Check'
--before, -b Only change files created before this date. - example: 2019-10-01
Check the current status without changes
This can be usefull if you restored your blobs to Hot
storage and want to check if your changes got applied already.
azure-blob-archiver --tier Check my-storage-account
Archive all blobs in a container before 2019
azure-blob-archiver --tier Archive --before 2019-01-01 --container my-container my-storage-account
Restore all blobs in a storage account from archive to Hot
Note: Changes will take several hours to be applied.
azure-blob-archiver --tier Hot my-storage-account
At the end of a run the tool will output you the result. Current: Shows how much blobs are currently in which access tier Scheduled: Shows how much blobs have been scheduled to be moved to another tier
In the example below one blob was scheduled to be moved from Archive to Hot
Duration: 4m 47.5s
│ │ Hot │ Cool │ Archive │ Sum │
│ Current │ 1331 │ 0 │ 1 │ 1332 │
│ Scheduled │ 1 │ 0 │ 0 │ 1 │