
Message service and component for Angular 6 apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nowzooNgxAppMsg from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nowzoo/ngx-app-msg';



Message service and component for Angular 6 apps

Demo Site | Demo Code


npm i @nowzoo/ngx-app-msg --save

Quick Start

Import the module

Import the module into your app, calling NgxAppMsgModule.forRoot().

// app.module.ts...
import { NgxAppMsgModule } from '@nowzoo/ngx-app-msg';
// ...
  imports: [
export class AppModule { }

Place the NgxAppMsgComponent in your app component

Put <ngx-app-msg></ngx-app-msg> somewhere.

<!-- app.component.html -->

Use NgxAppMsgService to show messages

import { NgxAppMsgService } from '@nowzoo/ngx-app-msg';
export class SomeComponent {
    private msg: NgxAppMsgService
  ) { }

  show() {
    this.msg.wait('Doing something time consuming...');
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 2000);



Type: NgxAppMsgContext

'wait' | 'warn' | 'success'

Interface: INgxAppMsg

  - `context: NgxAppMsgContext`
  - `message: string`
  - `autohide: boolean`

Component: NgxAppMsgComponent

selector: ngx-app-msg


  • autohideAfter: number How long to wait, in ms, to hide success and warning messages.

Service: NgxAppMsgService


  • messages$: Observable<INgxAppMsg>


  • wait(message: string)
  • warn(message: string)
  • success(message: string)


Contributions and suggestions are welcome.

Get started...

git clone git@github.com:nowzoo/ngx.git
cd ngx
npm i
ng build ngx-app-msg --prod

The library code is found in projects/ngx-app-msg.

The demo site code is in src/app/ngx-app-msg.

This library was built with the Angular CLI, so...

# test the library...
ng test ngx-app-msg

# build the library...
ng build ngx-app-msg --prod

# serve the demo site locally...
ng serve

Note that changes to the library code are not automatically reflected in the locally-served demo site. You must run ng build ngx-app-msg whenever you make changes to the library. But the local server does watch for changes to the built library -- so you don't need to restart the server.

If you use Wallaby to run unit tests, select the projects/ngx-app-msg/wallaby.js as your config file.
