
Angular directive to highlight an element on hover or focus

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import npczNgxHighlight from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@npcz/ngx-highlight';



An angular directive to auto-highlight an element on focus (mouseenter/ mouseleave) or focus (focusin/focusout) or both.


npm install @npcz/ngx-highlight --save


yarn add @npcz/ngx-highlight


1. Import the HighlightModule

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { HighlightModule } from '@npcz/ngx-highlight';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [BrowserModule, HighlightModule],
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}

2. Import the HighlightModule

Specify the highlighting style you want to be applied by defining a variable in the component file of type HighlightStyleConfig

type HighlighStyle = 'shadow' | 'outline' | 'background' | 'none';
export type HighlightStyleConfig = {
  hover?: HighlighStyle;
  focus?: HighlighStyle;

You can optionally specify a different debounce time for the hover and focus events as a number of milliseconds. The directive attribute 'hcHighlightDebounce' is provided for that purpose.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { HighlightStyleConfig } from '@npcz/ngx-highlight';

  selector: 'exmp-app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'],
export class AppComponent {
  highlightStyle: HighlightStyleConfig = {
    hover: 'background',

3. Apply the directive to the element to be highlighted in the template

<div [hcHighlight]="highlightStyle">
  This block will be highlighted on hover with a different background
<!-- with custom debounce time -->
<div [hcHighlight]="highlightStyle" hcHighlightDebounce="100">
  This block will be highlighted on hover with a different background

4. Include the theming support styles in your app

ngx-highlight uses SASS styling and provides mixins that can be integrated into and angular material application theme. Simply follow the instructions for Angular Material Theming. The theme file is located in node_modules/@npcz/ngx-highlight/src/styles.

Alternatively you can define your own style using the following CSS classes:

event style class
hover outline hc-hover-outline
background hc-hover-background
shadow hc-hover-shadow
focus outline hc-focus-outline
background hc-focus-background
shadow hc-focus-shadow

Debounce Time

To reduce the frequency at which the hover or focus changes are fired, the implementation debounces the events. The default debounce time is in the DEFAULT_DEBOUNCE_TIME constant exported in the public api.

A debounce time of 0 means no debouncing.

A negative value for the hcHighlightDebounce property will be adjusted to 0.

An undefined value will be adjusted to the default value.

Resetting the debounce value after the component is initialized is ok and the effect is immediate.

Updating styles after the component is initialized

It is perfectly acceptable to change the highlight styles after the component is initialized. The changes will take effect immediately. NOte however that when specifying a new style config (HighlightStyleConfig object), the new value will be merged with the default styles (DEFAULT_STYLE_CONFIG) and not the current styles.

Therefore, ensure that the new style config is wholistic and has no assumption on the current style.