
A databot for analysing and tagging FinGenie files

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nqmindsFinGenieFileAnalyser from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nqminds/fin-genie-file-analyser';


Fin Genie File Analyser

This databot watches for new fin genie resources and then attempts to identify the audit resources to which they correspond. It makes use of mappings that users have previously accepted for resources so should become more accurate over time.


During testing the inputs for this databot are manually configured as below:

resourceQuery: {
  $and: [
    {tags: {$ne: "fin-genie-analysed"}},
    {tags: "fin-genie-audit-resource"},
  storeSize: {$gt: 0}, // To prevent resources currently being uploaded being analysed

However in production these are set by the application when it boots and initialises this databot.

Run Criteria

The file analyser databot is started at application boot and is always running. It polls for new files to analyse.