
Module for concatenating SVG files into JavaScript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nrkSvgToJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nrk/svg-to-js';



Module for concatenating SVG files into JavaScript.

Why load icons as JavaScript?

SVG symbols are great for styling and accessibility, but can not load cross domain, or from external file and in IE (9,10,11). Javascript provides us a cacheable, cross-domain method to load the icons, without adding extra overhead to each html-file.


npm install @nrk/svg-to-js


import svgtojs from '@nrk/svg-to-js'

const options = {
  input: 'src/'               // Required. Folder with SVG files
  banner: 'Copyright NRK',    // Optional. Text to add as comment in top of file
  scale: 1,                   // Optional. Scale factor for width/height attributes in em

  // svgtojs always returns Object of outputs,
  // but can optionally also write files:
  esm: 'core-icons.esm.js',   // ES module for bundlers exposing `export const iconName = '<svg...'`
  cjs: 'core-icons.js',       // CommonJS for Node exposing `module.exports = { iconName: '<svg...' }`
  esmx: 'core-icons.esm.jsx', // JSX ES module, exposing React components with `export`
  cjsx: 'core-icons.cjs.jsx', // JSX CommonJS, exposing React components with `module.exports`
  iife: 'core-icons.min.js'   // Self executing <script>, exposing all icons as symbols on page,
  dts: 'core-icons.d.ts',     // Exposes typescript definitions with `export declare const`
  dtsx: 'core-icons-jsx.d.ts' // Exposes typescript definitions for JSX with `export declare const`

// => Returns {
//  esm: String,
//  cjs: String,
//  esmx: String,
//  cjsx: String,
//  iife: String,
//  dts: String,
//  dtsx: String