
A TypeDoc plugin that adds support for references to externally hosted documentation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nrserTypedocPluginBiblio from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nrser/typedoc-plugin-biblio';



A plugin for TypeDoc that adds support for references to externally hosted documentation.


npm install --save-dev typedoc typedoc-plugin-biblio


The plugin provides custom links to external types through the use of a biblio.json file:

node_modules/.bin/typedoc --biblio biblio.json

The biblio.json file has the following format:

    "namepath": "url",

Where "namepath" is a key in one of the following formats:

  • "Type" - A reference to the global identifier Type.
  • "Namespace.Type" - A reference to the identifier Type on the global namespace Namespace.
  • "module:Type" - A reference to the identifier Type in external module module.
  • "module:Namespace.Type" - A reference to the identifier Type on the namespace Namespace in external module module.

For example:

    "Iterable": "https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-symbol.iterator",
    "Iterator": "https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-symbol.iterator",
    "foo/bar:Baz": "http://foo.bar/Baz"


This plugin adds the following additional arguments to TypeDoc:

--biblio <path>

Provides the path to a biblio.json file.

Reflection Augmentations

This plugin also augments reflections with a urlTarget property that can be used in themes to indicate that the reflection is documented in an external location when urlTarget has the value "external":


            <a href="{{relativeURL reflection.url}}" {{#if reflection.urlTarget}}target="{{reflection.urlTarget}}"{{/if}} class="tsd-signature-type">