
A very simple and small library to guarantee a exclusive execution of a function in a multi-instance environment like `docker` and `kubernetes` (k8s).

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nsfilhoRedisLocker from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nsfilho/redis-locker';


Redis-Locker Library

A very simple and small library to guarantee a exclusive execution of a function in a multi-instance environment like docker and kubernetes (k8s).

It is very useful for migrations (only one API/Micro-services instance will execute at the same time).

By design, for an easy use, this library will use some environment variables and an exclusive connection with redis (because sometimes your redis connection isn't available to guarantee the role process).

  • Project licensed under: GPLv3
  • Site Documentation: Homepage
  • Repository: GitHub

Environment Variables

This services use some environment variables to pre-adjust some things, like:

  • REDIS_{INSTANCE}_CLUSTER: a redis cluster or host, example and default: [{ port: 6379, host: '' }];
  • REDIS_{INSTANCE}_PASSWORD: a password for access redis, example and default: password;
  • LOCKER_PREFIX: all calls has ben prefixed by this (facility to not share same resource by different micro-services). Default: LOCKER.
  • LOCKER_PING_TIMEOUT: maximum amount of time for consider a remote service un-responsive by not update their ping and consider death. Default: 5000.
  • LOCKER_PING_INTERVAL: defines the interval to update ping information in redis. Recommend a half (or a quarter) of LOCKER_PING_TIMEOUT. Default: 2500.
  • LOCKER_CHECK_INTERVAL: timer to check if the resource is available now. This value could be like LOCKER_PING_INTERVAL or less. Default: 200.
  • LOCKER_SINGLE_PING_THREAD: if true, starts only one new thread for all resourceName pings. For the most use cases, this will 10x faster (if enable). Default: false.
  1. If you don't set redis information as parameter, you will use a main instance by default.
  2. For debug purposes, you can use DEBUG environment with value redis-locker:* to see all logs.


/* eslint-disable no-console */
import { lockResource } from '../src';

/** Create a delay timer */
const delay = async (timer: number): Promise<void> =>
    new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, timer);

/** Locking a resource for all instances of this software */
    resourceName: 'lockTest',
    callback: async () => {
        console.log('Locking this resource for all instance by 10 secs');
        await delay(10000);
        console.log('Unlocking, making available for others!');