
A very simple and small services to guarantee a `Unique Execution` of some piece of code (async) in a javascript / typescript applications.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nsfilhoUnique from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nsfilho/unique';


Unique Execution

A very simple and small services to guarantee a Unique Execution of some piece of code (async) in a javascript / typescript applications.

  • Project licensed under: GPLv3
  • Site Documentation: Homepage
  • Repository: GitHub

Environment Variables

This services use some environment variables to pre-adjust some things, like:

  • UNIQUE_START_DELAY: define a minimum delay to start func execution;
  • UNIQUE_POOLING: pooling time to check delayed func to execute;

The delay time is a mininum delay time, checked at UNIQUE_POOLING interval.


import { uniqueExecution } from '@nsfilho/unique';

 * Simple async function for example.
 * Show a message after certain amount of time.
const delayMessage = async (message: string, delay: number): Promise<void> =>
    new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, delay);

    name: __filename,
    callback: async () => {
        // execute a async func
        await delayMessage('Hello World!!', 2000);