
ES6 Mixins, Useful for adding Mixin support to React Component when you use ES6 class syntax

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nsisodiyaEs6Mixins from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nsisodiya/es6-mixins';



ES6 Mixins, Useful for adding Mixin support to React Component when you use ES6 class syntax


npm install --save @nsisodiya/es6-mixins


import Mixin from '@nsisodiya/es6-mixins';

// The first class to be used as a mixin
class TestMixin1 {
    testMethod1() {
        console.log('test Method 1 from TestMixin1');

    testMethod2() {
        console.log('test Method 2 from TestMixin2');

// The second class to be used as a mixin
class TestMixin2 {
    testMethod1() {
        console.log('test Method 1 from TestMixin2');

class MainClass {
    constructor() {
        this.testMethod1(); // outputs 'test Method 1 from TestMixin2' and then 'test Method 1 from TestMixin1' will warn in console about duplicate methods.

Mixin(MainClass, [TestMixin1, TestMixin2]);

new MainClass();