
Alternative csv koop provider

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ntkogKoopProviderCsv from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ntkog/koop-provider-csv';



Additional Features

  • Better support for NodeJS streams
  • Improved Performance
  • proper handling of base filepath (from process.cwd()) for local files
  • proper parsing for geographic fields (csv-reader fails in some cases)
  • Refactored


with npm

npm install ntkog/koop-provider-csv

with Koop CLI for your Koop app

bash koop add koop-provider-csv-ntkog


Once installed, this provider enables routes like


where id is the unique ID for a source CSV defined in the configuration file.

For example, this route allows to query a CSV file with ID my-csv:



This provider is configured with config and all configuration files are in the config directory.

A configuration looks like this:

  // configuration namespace for this provider plugin
  "koop-provider-csv": {
    // define one or multiple CSV sources
    "sources": {
      // a unique ID for each source, which is used in the query route
      "my-data": {
        // [required] a file path or a URL for the source CSV.
        // Path is relative to process.cwd() .
        "url": "path_to_csv",
        // [required] point coordinate columns
        "geometryColumns": {
          "longitude": "longitude_column_name",
          "latitude": "latitude_column_name"
        // [optional] delimiter character
        "delimiter": ",",
        // [optional] ArcGIS service metadata
        "metadata": {
          "idField": "id_column_name"

See config/example.json for a full example.


Run dev server

$ npm start

A dev server will be running at http://localhost:8080. By default, it will use with NODE_ENV=dev and the dev configuration config/dev.json should be created beforehand.

Run tests

$ npm test
