This library validates the auth token returned on a single-sign-on and can get the userId that was used to log in.
All that is needed for adding this to your project is including the library in your package.json like so:
npm add @nuskin/ns-active-directory-cognito
How to use in your project.
Once you have imported the library into your project, you can use it like you see here:
let nsActiveDirectoryCognito = require('@nuskin/ns-active-directory-cognito')
let adCognitoConfig = {
apiVersion: 1,
application: 'current-application',
baseUrl: '',
cognito_access_token: 'abcd1234',
cognito_id_token: '4321dcba'
let nsAdAuth = new nsActiveDirectoryCognito.NsActiveDirectoryCognito(adCognitoConfig);
// Do something with the response
Please note: all functions are asynchronous, so make sure you handle the expected response appropriately.
As you likely noticed, the library expects an object in the constructor with the following data points:
let adCognitoConfig = {
apiVersion: 1, // Not required if you don't want to set the version.
application: 'current-application', // This will be provided to you in the active directory redirect response. The key is the GET param name.
baseUrl: '', // Change this based on preferred environment. This is the cloud API for nuskin, environment specific.
cognito_access_token: 'abcd1234', // This will be provided to you in the active directory redirect response. The key is the GET param name.
cognito_id_token: '4321dcba' // This will be provided to you in the active directory redirect response. The key is the GET param name.
You pass that into the object when initializing like so:
let nsAdAuth = new nsActiveDirectoryCognito.NsActiveDirectoryCognito(adCognitoConfig);
Now you have a token validation and user id retrieval object to work with. These are the available functions:
validateAuth -- Returns a valid true/false or unauthorized. Valid true/false comes in the form of:
{ status: 200, data: { authorized: true/false, expiration: unix timestamp } }
getUserId -- Returns the user id, as well as a valid true/false or unauthorized Valid user comes in the form of:
{ status: 200, data: { authorized: true/false, userId: '', expiration: unix timestamp } }
In both cases, if the request is unauthorized for whatever reason, you will get one of two responses:
Status 401 - Unauthorized due to missing data
Status 403 - Token is expired or not granted access