
The state machine for implementing IRMA flows, that plugins can register on

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nutsFoundationIrmaCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nuts-foundation/irma-core';


IRMA core

This package contains the state machine for implementing IRMA flows. You can register plugins with this state machine and then start the machine:

const IrmaCore = require('irma-core');
const irma     = new IrmaCore(/* options */);

irma.use(/* Plugin A */);
irma.use(/* Plugin B */);


You can pass an options object to the constructor, which will be passed on to each plugin that you register. Each plugin can choose which of your options to use or ignore.

const irma = new IrmaCore({
  debugging: true,            // Used by state machine and multiple plugins
  element:   '#irma-web-form' // Used by `irma-web` plugin

The start method starts the state machine and returns a Promise. Whatever parameters you pass to the start method get passed to the start method of the plugins too, but no plugins currently make use of that.

    .then(result => console.log("Successful disclosure! 🎉", result))
    .catch(error => console.error("Couldn't do what you asked 😢", error));

This Promise only resolves when the state machine reaches the Success state and only rejects when the machine reaches the BrowserNotSupported state. In the latter case, plugins may already inform the user of this issue, so please test if you need to catch this state yourself. You may wish to fall back to another authentication method automatically by catching the rejection and redirecting the user.