
Encapsulate a nutshell connector to connect to a remote Aurora Postgres or a local Postgresdb

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nutshelllabAuroraStore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nutshelllab/aurora-store';



This repo was originaly made to provide a serverless aurora postgresql connector to be used in Keyro Login with a strong retro-compatibility with our dynamodb connector in mind. By implementing the same API, it offers the opportunity to easily switch between Aurora and Dynamo.



yarn add @nutshelllab/aurora-store

This module allows you to run your code on a local database. To do so, you will also need to have a proper postgresql installation running.


Config is done through env variables so that you can use your serverless environnement to handle it as code :

Access to the database

Variable description
DB_HOST The ip adress/domain where the SGBD runs. It may be an aws aurora cluster.
DB_PORT Default is postgres's default (5432)
DB_NAME The name of your postgresql database
DB_USER Username who has been given the proper privileges in your db
DB_PASSWD Password of the above user
SLS_STAGE If local is passed, the variables below will be used instead of above.
LOCAL_DB_HOST The ip adress/domain where the SGBD runs. It may be
LOCAL_DB_PORT Default is postgres's default (5432)
LOCAL_DB_NAME The name of your postgresql database
LOCAL_DB_USER Username who has been given the proper privileges in your db
LOCAL_DB_PASSWD Password of the above user


You can easily configure a migration source to handle your database schema. Migration are internally done through Knex, so that the configuration is identical. Here's an example with webpack context :

import { configure } from '@nutshelllab/aurora-store' //The module expose a simple configure method

const context = require.context('../../migrations', false, /\.js$/)

const makeMigrationSource = context => {
  return {
    getMigrations() {
      return Promise.resolve(context.keys().sort())
    getMigrationName(migration) {
      return migration
    getMigration(migration) {
      return context(migration)

  migrationSource: makeMigrationSource(context) // Configuration is mutating the state, keep it for initialization as much as possible.

Initialize a store

To initialize a store, just call default function of the module :

import createStore from '@nutshelllab/aurora-store'

//[...] configuration has been done at this point

const teamStore = createStore({ kind: 'teams', validate: makeTeam })
const result = await teamStore.find({ id: 'team-00007'})

Options you can pass to the default store builder function are :

Option description default
kind The table name you want to manipulate No default, must be set
validate A validator function to be called on data before writing and after reading id function (nothing happen)
idField Handle PK with this option as an array of columns names ['id']


findIn(field, values)

Returns all the records having a field's value intercecting with a predefined array of value.

store.findIn('id', ['001', '002', '003'])


Returns all the records matching a pattern

store.findAll({ contracted: true })


Returns exactly one record matching a pattern or throw an error with name attribute set to 'NOT_FOUND'.

store.find({ id: '001' })


Write an object with the store. If it does not exist, it will be created.

store.put({ id: 'movie-0001', name: 'Black Widow' })


Update the record matching with data id (default is 'id' field, see idField configuration to change it).

store.update({id: 'movie-0001', name: 'Black Windows' })


Insert a new record with the given object values. AlreadyExisting will throw.

store.create({id: 'movie-0002', name: 'Black Windows' })

findOrCreate(filters, data)

Fetch a record with filters. A creation attempt is made it nothing is found. Bad filtering may result in throwing already exist error.

store.create({name: 'Black Windows'}, { id: 'newId-002', name: 'Black Windows', company: 'marvelcrosoft'})


Destroy all records with filters forever.

store.remove({name: 'Black Windows'})


Destroy all records of a table forever. You must pass force attribute to true to execute this as a way to make it clear that you know what you're doing.

store.truncate() // won't work
store.truncate({ force: true })


Obviously the point of using a relational database was to go beyond dynamo key-values restriction. This function gives you a Knex querybuilder. You can use that to manipulate any table in a sql-query manner :

store.knexClient().then(db =>
  db('movies').innerjoin('authors', 'authors.id', 'movies.authorId').where('authors.name', 'marvelcrosoft').select('movies.*')

See knex documentation for further features.

Combine with serverless-offline

With serverless-offline, this module can be used to provide a 100% local execution which may greatly increase your productivity. Keyro Login has been tested and successfully run on a localhost with a local duplicated database of our remote dev environement.


  1. Install postgresql
  2. Create a pguser user with a pguser password
  3. yarn
  4. Check integration tests yarn test