
Create CI configuration in a Nx Workspace!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nxpmCi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nxpm/ci';



Create CI configuration in a Nx Workspace!

Install the dependencies:

yarn add -D @nxpm/ci

Create CI config


This will create GitHub Actions workflow called build-test that will run on pull requests and merges to the default branch specified in the affected.defaultBase property in nx.json.

nx g @nxpm/ci:github

To select a different branch run:

nx g @nxpm/ci:github --branch develop

To select a different name and branch run:

nx g @nxpm/ci:github --branch stage --name deploy-stage


  • Add CircleCI
  • Add Travis
  • Add more flexibility of commands to run (currently: build, format:check, test:ci)

MIT Licensed by beeman 🐝