
A component that embeds other components!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nymdevClayComponentList from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nymdev/clay-component-list';



A component that embeds other components!


npm install --save @nymdev/clay-component-list

This component relies on the getContent filter from nunjucks-filters, the embed function from multiplex-templates, and the getTemplate method added by amphora itself.

multiplex-templates is a dependency of amphora, but nunjucks-filters needs to be added to your project (and passed into amphora when it instantiates) to use it.


Once you install it, it will be automatically recognized by amphora. Embed a list of components by passing them into this one, e.g.

<section class="primary">{{ embed(state.getTemplate('clay-component-list'), primary, state) | safe }}</section>

Where primary is an array of component objects or page areas:

  _ref: '/components/header',
  title: 'My Cool Blog'
}, {
  _ref: '/components/article/instances/first-article',
  more: 'data',
  goes: 'here'