
Cli tool to setup new Q tools, new Q server implementations and start Q dev server to test developing Q tools

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import nzzQCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nzz/q-cli';


Q cli Build Status

Maintainer: Nicolas Staub

Table of contents


npm install -g @nzz/q-cli

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git clone git@github.com:nzzdev/Q-cli.git
cd Q-cli
nvm use
npm install

For testing local changes of Q-cli, one can link the local package to the global installation of Q-cli:

cd Q-cli
npm link

Q commands will now use the local Q-cli.

To unlink, simply install Q-cli again globally:

npm install @nzz/q-cli -g

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Q dev server

Once Q cli installed one can start Q dev server by running:

Q server

With the Q dev server running one can now test a tool with fixture data. Of course the respective tool has to be started as well.

  • Default port is 5000 and can be overwritten by using -p or --port as option while starting Q dev server:
Q server -p 4001
  • Default base url of the tool your are currently developing is http://localhost:3000, this can also be changed by passing the option -b or --tool-base-url while starting Q dev server.
Q server -b http://localhost:4000
  • Default target is nzz_ch and can be overwritten by using -t or --target.
Q server -t your_target
  • One can optionally specify a path to a config file by using option -c or --config, e.g.
Q server -c ./config-file-name.js

A config file should export an async function returning a config object. The config object has to contain an object for each target. Target objects can contain

  • tool specific additionalRenderingInfo like additional stylesheets and scripts to load
  • a target specific context which can also contain stylesheets, scripts or background information
  • toolRuntimeConfig containing information which a tool might need at runtime Config file example:
async function getConfig() {
  return {
    nzz_ch: {
      // target name
      additionalRenderingInfo: {
        // additionalRenderingInfo is tool based
        stylesheets: [
            url: "https://service.sophie.nzz.ch/bundle/sophie-q@1,sophie-font@1,sophie-color@1,sophie-viz-color@1,sophie-input@1.css",
      context: {
        // context is target based
        stylesheets: [
            url: "https://context-service.st.nzz.ch/stylesheet/all/nzz.ch.css",
        background: {
          color: "#fff",
      toolRuntimeConfig: {
        displayOptions: {
          hideTitle: true,

module.exports = getConfig;

Creating new Q server implementation

Once Q cli is installed one can create the skeleton of a Q server implementation by executing

Q new-server my-server-name
  • The directory name where the server implementation is being created defaults to the server name and can be overwritten by using option -d or --dir
Q new-server my-server-name -d my-server-directory

Creating new tool

Once Q cli is installed one can create the skeleton of a new tool by executing

Q new-tool my-tool-name
  • The directory name where the new tool is being created defaults to the tool name and can be overwritten by using option -d or --dir
Q new-tool my-tool-name -d my-tool-directory

Creating new custom code project

Once Q cli is installed one can create the skeleton of a new custom code project by executing

Q new-custom-code my-project-name
  • The directory name where the new custom-code project is being created defaults to the project name and can be overwritten by using option -d or --dir
Q new-custom-code my-project-name -d my-project-directory

Updating existing Q items

Once Q cli installed one can update one or many Q items by executing:

Q update-item
  • The path to the config file can be set by using option -c or --config. By default the update-item command will look for a config file called q.config.json in the current directory
Q update-item -c [path]
  • Items of a specified environment can be updated by using the option -e or --environment. By default the update-item command updates all item specified in the config file
Q update-item -e [env]
  • Stored configuration properties like Q-Server url or access tokens can be reset by using option -r or --reset
Q update-item -r
  • Credentials can be provided as environment variables to avoid user prompts. The variable names are Q_ENV_SERVER, Q_ENV_USERNAME, Q_ENV_PASSWORD, Q_ENV_ACCESSTOKEN, where ENV is the uppercase version of the environment name.
Q_TEST_SERVER=https://q-server.st-test.nzz.ch/ Q_TEST_USERNAME=[username] Q_TEST_PASSWORD=[password] Q update-item


Q_TEST_SERVER=https://q-server.st-test.nzz.ch/ Q_TEST_ACCESSTOKEN=[accessToken] Q update-item


The config file has to follow this json-schema. Here an example:

  "items": [
      "environments": [
          "name": "production",
          "id": "6dcf203a5c5f74b61aeea0cb0eef7e0b"
          "name": "staging",
          "id": "6dcf203a5c5f74b61aeea0cb0ef2ca9f"
      "item": {
        "title": "Der Konsum in der Schweiz springt wieder an",
        "subtitle": "Wöchentliche Ausgaben mittels Bankkarten in Mio. Fr. im Jahr 2020, zum Vergleich 2019",
        "data": [
          ["Datum", "2020", "2019"],
          ["2020-01-06", "690004302", "641528028"],
          ["2020-01-13", "662122373", "617653790"],
          ["2020-01-20", "688208667", "654303249"]
      "environments": [
          "name": "production",
          "id": "6dcf203a5c5f74b61aeea0cb0ef2edea"
          "name": "staging",
          "id": "6dcf203a5c5f74b61aeea0cb0ef68480"
      "item": {
        "title": "Der Lastwagenverkehr in Deutschland nimmt wieder zu",
        "subtitle": "Täglicher Lkw-Maut-Fahrleistungsindex (2015 = 100, saison- und kalenderbereinigt) im Jahr 2020, zum Vergleich 2019\t\t",
        "data": [
          ["Datum", "2020", "2019"],
          ["2020-01-07", "105.9", "112.1"],
          ["2020-01-08", "108.9", "111.4"],
          ["2020-01-09", "112.2", "113.5"]

The configuration object has a property items which contains an object for each Q item. A Q item has a property environments and item. The environments array contains an objects with properties name and id for each environment the item is deployed on. The item contains the data of the Q item. The structure of the item can vary between each graphic type (chart, map, table ect.).

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This software is licensed under the MIT License.