

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import oRangoOAlert from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@o-rango/o-alert';



Provides feedback messages for user actions with alert messages.

npm version

Edit o-alert codesandbox


Get Started

First, npm install within the project or use it directly from CDN:

npm install @o-rango/o-alert --save


<script src="./node_modules/@o-rango/o-alert/dist/o-alert.js"></script>
// OR
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@o-rango/o-alert/dist/o-alert.js"></script>

Usage example

Default Alert

  // Default Alert
  <o-alert  align="center" type="default">This is an default alert banner !!!!</o-alert>
  // Success Alert aligned left
  <o-alert align="left" type="success">This is an success alert banner</o-alert>
  // Alert using slots 
  <o-alert type="error" align="center">
          <div slot="start"> Start</div>
          This is an error alert banner
          <div slot="end">X</div>

Alert with Line

  // Success Alert aligned left
  <o-alert line align="left" type="success">This is an success alert banner</o-alert>
  // Alert using slots 
  <o-alert line type="error" align="center">
          <div slot="start"> Start</div>
          This is an error alert banner
          <div slot="end">X</div>


  @Prop() name?: string;
  @Prop() align: string = 'center' // left,right,center ;
  @Prop() type: string = 'default' //default, error, warning , info , success;
  @Prop() line: boolean= false;


 /* Generic Colors variables*/
 --o-alert-default: #FAFBFC;
 --o-alert-error : #DE350B;
 --o-alert-info:  #0065FF;

 /* Size Style variables  & Font Style variables */
 --o-alert-height : 3.5em;
 --o-alert-font-size :14px;
 --o-alert-font-weight : 600;
 --o-alert-font-family : 'San Francisco', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, '.SFNSText-Regular', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif;
 --o-alert-font-color-light : #FFFFFF;
 --o-alert-font-color-dark : #091E42;