
Node API for signing transactions for Mina Protocol

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import o1labsClientSdk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@o1labs/client-sdk';


Coda Client Javascript SDK

This is a NodeJS client SDK that allows you to sign transactions and strings using Coda's keypairs. The project contains Typescript and ReasonML typings but can be used from plain NodeJS as well.


yarn add @o1labs/client-sdk
# or with npm:
npm install --save @o1labs/client-sdk



import * as CodaSDK from "@o1labs/client-sdk";

let keys = CodaSDK.genKeys();
let signed = CodaSDK.signMessage("hello", keys);
if (CodaSDK.verifyMessage(signed)) {
    console.log("Message was verified successfully")

let signedPayment = CodaSDK.signPayment({
    to: keys.publicKey,
    from: keys.publicKey,
    amount: 1,
    fee: 1,
    nonce: 0
  }, keys);


const CodaSDK = require("@o1labs/client-sdk");

let keys = CodaSDK.genKeys();
let signed = CodaSDK.signMessage("hello", keys);
if (CodaSDK.verifyMessage(signed)) {
    console.log("Message was verified successfully")

let signedPayment = CodaSDK.signPayment({
    to: keys.publicKey,
    from: keys.publicKey,
    amount: 1,
    fee: 1,
    nonce: 0
  }, keys);


  • Install gentype: yarn add -D gentype
  • Install bs-platform: yarn add -D bs-platform
  • Build dependencies: yarn bsb -make-world
module CodaSDK = O1labsClientSdk.CodaSDK;

let keys = CodaSDK.genKeys();
let signed = CodaSDK.signMessage(. "hello", keys);
if (CodaSDK.verifyMessage(. signed)) {
  Js.log("Message was verified successfully");

let signedPayment = CodaSDK.signPayment({
    to_: keys.publicKey,
    from: keys.publicKey,
    amount: "1",
    fee: "1",
    nonce: "0"
  }, keys);

API Reference