A metaplugin and micro library for the Scripter MIDI-FX Plugin.
Scriptex is a thin ES6 wrapper that uses dynamic binding to link custom plugin keys to the official Scripter API.
Scriptex | Scripter |
parameters | PluginParameters |
needsTiming | NeedsTimingInfo |
needsDefaults | ResetParameterDefaults |
onParameter | ParameterChanged |
onProcess | ProcessMIDI |
onMIDI | HandleMIDI |
onReset | Reset |
onIdle | Idle |
import { Plugin } from "@objectkit/scriptex"
/* conversion metric between pitch bend units and cents */
/* extend from minimal Plugin class to have access to the static deploy method */
class Microtuner extends Plugin {
/** @lends Scripter.PluginParameters */
get parameters () {
return [{
ID: `microtuning`
, name: ` m i c r o t u n e r `
, type: `lin`
, unit: `\u00A2`
, minValue: -100
, maxValue: 100
, numberOfSteps: 200
, defaultValue: 0
/** @lends Scripter.ParameterChanged */
onParameter (key, val) {
/* treat the plugin instance as a model view */
this[this.parameters[key].ID]= val
/** @lends Scripter.Reset */
onReset () {
/* access Scripter by global or by #system reference */
/* intercept changes to the "microtuning" parameter */
set microtuning (cents) {
const units= ( PITCH_BEND_UNITS_PER_CENT * cents )
/* send a pitch bend each time the slider moves */
applyPitchbend (units) {
const bend= new PitchBend()
bend.value= units
export { Microtuner }
Checkout the scriptex.plugin.microtuner project for a functional example that also uses the companion @objectkit/scriptex.mock library to test the plugin in a virtual Scripter environment or visit the docs.
Scripter plugin view.
Code Editor view
- Familiarity with ECMAScript 6
- Familiarity with NodeJS
- Familiarity with the Scripter MIDI-FX Plugin ( Logic Pro X | Mainstage )
- Logic Pro X 10.5.0+ or Mainstage 3.4+
- macOS 10.14+ Mojave or higher
Getting Started
Scriptex has been designed to support two workflows.
Code Editor Workflow
- Download the latest scriptex preset
- Create a new Logic Pro X or Mainstage project
- Add Scripter as a MIDI plugin a new instrument strip
- Press
Open Script in Editor
- Add the compressed content of the Scriptex library (2kb) to
Code Editor
- Save the preset as "Scriptex-1.0.0-rc.6"
- Use this preset as a template for making bespoke MIDI processors
IDE Workflow
Follow your own path
- Obtain an IDE of your choice
- Create a new NodeJS project
- Add the Scriptex package as an NPM package dependency
npm i -D @objectkit/scriptex
- Do what you need to do to develop your own plugins.
import { Plugin } from "@objeckit/scriptex" class MIDITrace extends Plugin { onMIDI (event) { event.trace() event.send() } } export { MIDITrace }
Follow a designed path
Checkout the standalone project template and take advantage of the incorporated direct to pasteboard build tool helper and ready to use testing environment.
Apache-2.0 © ObjectKit 2020