
native modal for webcomponent with litElement

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import obsidiansoftNativeModal from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@obsidiansoft/native-modal';



Native webcomponent modal for the Polymer 3 with LitElement.



npm i @obsidiansoft/native-modal


Property Type Description
title String Header title for the modal
alwaysFullScreen (optional) Boolean Makes the modal occupy the entire screen in desktop
style String Styles, must follow the StylesInline standard
device String Type of devices (must be 'ios' or 'android')
hideHeader Boolean Hide title header


  <native-modal title="native modal title"  alwaysFullScreen>
    <div slot="content">
      <button @click="${this.hanldeclic}">close modal</button>
    <button slot="btn-action">open modal</button> 

Usage with LitElement and slot tag

🚨 We don't advise the use with Polymer Element because it's deprecated. note: use tag slot for render elemenets into modal, use slot="content" for add elements in the modal body and use slot="btn-action" for add open action in a element (this case is a button element)

import { LitElement, html} from 'lit-element';
import '@obsidiansoft/native-modal';

class SomeClass extends LitElement {
 render() {
    return html`
      <native-modal title="native modal title"  alwaysFullScreen>
        <div slot="content">
          modal body here
        <button slot="btn-action">open modal</button> 

customElements.define('custom-component', SomeClass );

Usage with CustomEvents

add event 'toggleNativeModal' for open or close modal

import { LitElement, html} from 'lit-element';
import '@obsidiansoft/native-modal';

class SomeClass extends LitElement {
 hanldeclic(e) {
    let myEvent = new CustomEvent('toggleNativeModal', {
      bubbles: true,
      composed: true
 render() {
    return html`
      <native-modal title="native modal title"  alwaysFullScreen>
        <div slot="content">
          <button @click="${this.hanldeclic}">close modal</button>
        <button slot="btn-action">open modal</button> 

customElements.define('custom-component', SomeClass );

Supported Node Versions

We have test it with node >= 10. We will support on even Nodejs versions that are current or in maintenance.


Unless otherwise noted, the fa-icon source files are distributed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file.


Development of the fa-icons is currently sponsored by ObsidianSoft and generously supported by contributions from individuals.