
Containing useful development UI used by OdeCloud's Platform

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import odecloudUi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@odecloud/ui';


Official Site of @odecloud/ui

pipeline statusLicense: MIT


Package contain helper functions currently utilized by a varieties of apps developed @odecloud.


The package currently depend on these versions of Node and NPM.

$ node --version

$ npm --version


Make you are currently in a Node project that contains a valid package.json file. Run the following below to download the package.

npm install @odecloud/ui

Usage Example

The example below assumes that your current project is using the latest ES6.

import { LoadingComponent } from '@odecloud/ui';

Local Testing/Development

You can download the package locally to your machine using:

$ git clone https://gitlab.com/odetech/ui.git @odecloud/ui

Publishing to NPM

  1. On the root of the directory, open up package.json
  2. Bump the version by the following guideline:
    • Our version numbering follows Major.Minor.Patch (e.g. 2.10.1)
      • Major: Stable release.
      • Minor: Incremental changes--including new components, remove components, or change of behavior of components.
      • Patch: Small efficient changes--including a fixed to a bug.
    • Note: in regards to Patch if the old functionality was always erroneous, then it will be considered a Patch.
  3. Publish a new tag on the repository by going to https://gitlab.com/odetech/components/-/tags/new.
    • Note: make sure that the "Tag Name" is an exact match to the version inside package.json on step #2.
    • In regards to the "Release notes": we encourage detail and consistent format in order for other developers to understand the new version update.


  • npm test - Run tests with linting and coverage results.
  • npm type-check - TypeScript checking
  • type-check:watch - TypeScript checking and watching
  • npm run webpack:prod - Babel will transpile ES6 and TypeScript => ES5 and minify the code.


MIT © OdeCloud, Inc