
An aggregation of quality npm modules to be used for writing unit tests.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import offirmoUnitTestToolbox from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@offirmo/unit-test-toolbox';



A convenient aggregation of quality npm modules to be used for writing unit tests. Just install this module and you get everything needed at once!

This modules bundles:

  • mocha
  • chai
  • sinon
  • sinon-chai
  • chai-as-promised
  • chai-subset
  • chai-moment
  • (optional) chai-fetch-mock
  • eslint-plugin-mocha and eslint-plugin-chai-expect
  • all corresponding TypeScript types
  • @offirmo/universal-debug-api-node

It also exposes:

  • a pre-made plumbing for:
    • activating the chai.expect interface
    • activating correctly the chai plugins: sinon-chai, chai-as-promised, chai-subset, chai-moment, [chai-fetch-mock if present]
  • a pre-made mocha options file

Introduction - the problem

Writing unit tests in JavaScript with mocha/chai requires assembling a bunch of modules and repeating the same operations:

:-1: WITHOUT @offirmo/unit-test-toolbox :-1: :hurtrealbad::

  1. remembering all the libs needed
  2. installing them: npm install mocha chai sinon sinon-chai chai-as-promised chai-subset chai-moment
  3. if using typescript: npm install @types/mocha @types/chai @types/sinon @types/sinon-chai @types/chai-as-promised
  4. write an init file for activating chai.expect (what else ?), sinon-chai and chai-as-promised
  5. write the npm task "test": "mocha --config mocharc.json path/to/init.js '<glob_to_my_tests/**/*spec.js>'"
  6. keep all those dependencies up-to-date

The proposed solution:

:+1: WITH @offirmo/unit-test-toolbox :+1: :sunglasses::

  1. install only one module npm i -D @offirmo/unit-test-toolbox
  2. write this npm task "test": "mocha --config node_modules/@offirmo/unit-test-toolbox/mocharc.json node_modules/@offirmo/unit-test-toolbox/mocha-chai-init-node.js '<glob_to_my_tests/**/*spec.js>'"
  3. keep just @offirmo/unit-test-toolbox up-to-date

Installation & usage

recent npm

Targeting npm >= 3 (for we abuse the flat deps)

npm i --save-dev @offirmo/unit-test-toolbox

If you want to use the pre-written init file, reference it in your test task:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "mocha --opts node_modules/@offirmo/unit-test-toolbox/mocha.opts node_modules/@offirmo/unit-test-toolbox/mocha-chai-init.js 'test/unit/src/**/*spec.js'"

See also


Suggestions welcome.