
The @oframe/cli are a small list of commands to facilitate web development.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import oframeCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@oframe/cli';



The @oframe/cli are a small list of commands to facilitate web development.


Is recommended to install globally for several reasons. It supplies the o global entry, making it simpler to type. It facilitates shared hosting for multiple projects, for example by serving the folder that stores multiple sites. It also simplifies the workflow, allowing you to quickly create new project structures with a single command.

npm i @oframe/cli -g
yarn add @oframe/cli --global

However is can also equally be installed locally. This might be useful to simplify sharing projects, or automating server setup for single-page-app-style websites.

npm i @oframe/cli -D
yarn add @oframe/cli -D


All commands are recommended to be made through the provided bin: o.


Using @oframe/server, the serve command creates a new http development server in the current repository.


If installed locally, use npx to access the bin in node_modules:

npx o serve [port]

Else use globally:

o serve [port]



An Integer describing the desired port. Default is 8080. If port unavailable, will incrementally search for an available one, rather than returning an error.


Using @oframe/templates, the create command creates a new project structure.


If installed locally, use npx to access the bin in node_modules:

npx o create [template]

Else use globally:

o create [template]



An String for the template type.