
The @oframe/server is a node http server for development purposes. It has the following simple features:

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import oframeServer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@oframe/server';



The @oframe/server is a node http server for development purposes. It has the following simple features:

  • Static file serving
  • File streaming
  • Adds trailing slash
  • Clean urls
  • Directory listing
  • Single page app redirect
  • Automatic port designation

Development was inspired by Servor, which I would recommend if you need more advanced functionality, such as https, file watching and gzip compression.


Is recommended to use through @oframe/cli global commands, however to install separately:

npm i @oframe/server
yarn add @oframe/server


All commands are recommended to be made through the provided bin: o.


The serve command creates a new http development server in the current repository.


node serve [path] [port]



An String path description of the repository you'd like to serve from. Using pwd or . can be used in the command-line to refer to the current command path.


An Integer describing the desired port. Default is 8080. If port unavailable, will incrementally search for an available one, rather than returning an error.


node server pwd 3000
node server ./projects/