
Laravel Validation in Vue+Vuex Component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ogrewellLaravuelidate from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ogrewell/laravuelidate';



Retrieving errors message from laravel that send to your json response

display errors to your vue+vuex from laravel validations



Using NPM:

npm install @ogrewell/laravuelidate


Make sure that you use Laravel as the backend of your vue js application

also you need a vuex to set the state of your vue application

Set Up Your Vuex First

setup your state for handling errors, make sure your vuex apps structure is like this

    ├── index.js          # where we assemble modules and export the store
    └── modules
        └── errors.js 

after your vuex structure has been set up as above, open errors.js and set the state as below

// store/modules/errors.js

const state = {
    all:[] // this name is required do not change it as you like

const mutations = {
    * commit error from any "catch" request of your applications
    * you can name it as you like, but make sure you remember it
        state.all = errors

const actions = {
    // your choice

export default {
    mutations,//required too
    actions //not required if you want to commit an error immediately 

then in your root store, import errors module above


import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';

import errors from './modules/errors';
//your other module


export default new Vuex.Store({
        //other module

and you can set up the ErrorPlugin to your Entry File, the default entry file is app.js in laravel so open the app.js and add Plugin and the store above


require('./bootstrap');//this is default, set according to your application

import Vue from 'vue';
import ErrorPlugin from '@ogrewell/laravuelidate`; // you can name the import as you like
import store from './store/index';//make sure you import the store/index correctly

Vue.use(ErrorPlugin,{store,isDefault:true});//this is requirde to hooks your store to ErrorPlugin

// if your are using Vue Router, you can remove 'isDefault' or set it to false
// because if you are using Vue.component and end the require with `default`
// vuex will add `default` object before accessing any vuex store object/method

Vue.component('cart',require('./user/components/cart/show.vue').default) // this is just an example, add your Vue Component here, dont forget to add default in the end of 'require'

const app = new Vue({
    el:'#app',//as you like

then just run npm run dev or watch

the ErrorPlugin will insert $errors global object to your Vue

if you want to change the $errors global object, you can add errName key inside the second argument of ErrorPlugin like this


Retrieve The First Error Message For A Field

To retrieve the first error message for a given field, use the first method:

inside the vue template tag:

<small class="text-danger">

Retrieving All Error Messages For A Field

If you need to retrieve an array of all the messages for a given field, use the get method:

<p v-for="(error,index) in $errors.get('name')" :key="index">

Retrieving All Error Messages For All Fields

To retrieve an array of all messages for every fields, use the every method:

<p v-for="(error,index) in $errors.every()" :key="index">

I will return to perfect the documentation and component, thanks :)