
Schematics for Okta Auth

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import oktadevSchematics from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@oktadev/schematics';


OktaDev Schematics

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Fast and easy installation of Okta's OIDC SDKs

This project is a Schematics implementation that allows you to easily integrate Okta into your Angular, React, Vue, Ionic, React Native, and Express projects.

This library currently supports:

Prerequisites: Node.js.


First, create an empty project with Angular CLI. You must add Angular routing for this schematic to work.

npm i -g @angular/cli
ng new secure-angular --routing
cd secure-angular

Add an OpenID Connect App in Okta

  1. Install the Okta CLI.
  2. Run okta register to create an account, followed by okta apps create.
  3. Choose Single Page App and use http://localhost:4200/callback for the Redirect URI.

In your secure-angular project, add @oktadev/schematics:

ng add @oktadev/schematics

Use the values that the Okta CLI provides for the issuer and client ID when prompted.

Run npm start, open http://localhost:4200 in your browser, and sign in. 🥳

See the Okta Angular SDK for more information.

You can also use the Okta Admin Console:

  • Log in to your Okta instance (or create an account if you don't have one). Go to Applications > Create App Integration > OIDC.
  • Choose Single-Page Application as the application type and click Next.
  • Add http://localhost:4200/callback as a Login redirect URI and http://localhost:4200 as a Logout redirect URI.
  • Specify http://localhost:4200 as a Trusted Origin and click Save.

Angular + Auth0

First, create an empty project with Angular CLI. You must add Angular routing for this schematic to work.

npm i -g @angular/cli
ng new secure-angular --routing
cd secure-angular

Add an OpenID Connect App in Auth0

  1. Install the Auth0 CLI.
  2. Run auth0 login to register your account, followed by auth0 apps create.
  3. Specify a name and description of your choosing.
  4. Select Single Page Web Application and use http://localhost:4200/home for the Callback URLs.
  5. Use http://localhost:4200 for the rest of the URLs.

In your secure-angular project, add @oktadev/schematics with the --auth0 flag:

ng add @oktadev/schematics --auth0

Use the values that the Auth0 CLI provides for the issuer and client ID when prompted.

Run npm start, open http://localhost:4200 in your browser, and sign in. 🤩

See the Auth0 Angular SDK for more information.

You can also use the Auth0 Console:

  • Log in to Auth0 or create an account if you don't have one. Go to Applications > Create Application.
  • Choose Single Page Web Applications as the application type and click Create.
  • Click Angular, then the Settings tab.
  • Add http://localhost:4200/home as an Allowed Callback URL and http://localhost:4200 as a Logout URL.
  • Specify http://localhost:4200 as an Allowed Origin and click Save Changes at the bottom.


Create a new project with Create React App.

npx create-react-app secure-react
cd secure-react

If you'd like to use TypeScript, add the --template typescript flag.

npx create-react-app secure-react --template typescript
cd secure-react

Add an OpenID Connect App in Okta

  1. Install the Okta CLI
  2. Run okta register to create an account, followed by okta apps create
  3. Choose Single Page App and use http://localhost:3000/callback for the Redirect URI

Install the Schematics CLI globally.

npm install -g @angular-devkit/schematics-cli

Then install and run the add-auth schematic in your secure-react project.

npm i -D @oktadev/schematics
schematics @oktadev/schematics:add-auth

Use the values that the Okta CLI provides for the issuer and client ID when prompted.

Run npm start, open http://localhost:3000 in your browser, and sign in. 🎉

See the Okta React SDK for more information.

You can also use the Okta Admin Console:

  • Log in to your Okta instance (or create an account if you don't have one). Go to Applications > Create App Integration > OIDC.
  • Choose Single-Page Application as the application type and click Next.
  • Add http://localhost:3000/callback as a Login redirect URI and http://localhost:3000 as a Logout redirect URI.
  • Add http://localhost:3000 as a Trusted Origin and click Save.


Create a new project with Vue CLI. You must add routing for this schematic to work. If you specify TypeScript, a src/router/index.ts will be used.

npm i -g @vue/cli
vue create secure-vue
cd secure-vue

Add an OpenID Connect App in Okta

  1. Install the Okta CLI
  2. Run okta register to create an account, followed by okta apps create
  3. Choose Single Page App and use http://localhost:8080/callback for the Redirect URI

Install the Schematics CLI globally.

npm install -g @angular-devkit/schematics-cli

Then install and run the add-auth schematic in your secure-vue project.

npm i -D @oktadev/schematics
schematics @oktadev/schematics:add-auth

Use the values that the Okta CLI provides for the issuer and client ID when prompted.

Run npm run serve, open http://localhost:8080 in your browser, and sign in. 💥

See the Okta Vue SDK for more information.

You can also use the Okta Admin Console:

  • Log in to your Okta instance (or create an account if you don't have one). Go to Applications > Create App Integration > OIDC.
  • Choose Single-Page Application as the application type and click Next.
  • Add http://localhost:8080/callback as a Login redirect URI and http://localhost:8080 as a Logout redirect URI.
  • Add http://localhost:8080 as a Trusted Origin and click Save.


Create a new Ionic + Angular project with Ionic CLI. You must use the tabs layout for everything to work currently.

npm install -g @ionic/cli
ionic start secure-ionic tabs --type=angular --no-interactive
cd secure-ionic

You will need an issuer and a clientId to begin. You can obtain those from Okta by completing the following steps.

NOTE: OIDC Login for Ionic is possible thanks to the excellent Ionic AppAuth project and its examples. This integration is not Okta-specific and should work with any identity provider that supports PKCE for browser and mobile apps.

Create an Application in Okta

  1. Install the Okta CLI
  2. Run okta register to create an account, followed by okta apps create
  3. Choose Native and use [com.okta.dev-133337:/callback,http://localhost:8100/callback] for the Login redirect URIs (where dev-133337.okta.com is your Okta domain)
  4. Use [com.okta.dev-133337:/logout,http://localhost:8100/logout] for the Logout redirect URIs

In your secure-ionic project, add @oktadev/schematics:

ng add @oktadev/schematics

Use the values that the Okta CLI provides for the issuer and client ID when prompted.

NOTE: You can switch to Cordova by passing in --platform=cordova. The default is Capacitor.

Start your app and authenticate with Okta. 🎉

ionic serve

You can also use the Okta Admin Console:

Log in to your Okta instance (or sign up if you don't have an account).

From the Applications page, choose Create App Integration > OIDC. Select Native Application.

Give your app a memorable name, and configure it as follows:

  • Login redirect URIs:
    • http://localhost:8100/callback
    • com.okta.dev-133337:/callback (where dev-133337.okta.com is your Okta domain)
  • Logout redirect URIs:
    • http://localhost:8100/logout
    • com.okta.dev-133337:/logout
  • Trusted Origins:
    • http://localhost:8100
  • Click Save


If you ran ng add @oktadev/schematics without a --platform parameter, your project has been configured for Capacitor. Build and add Capacitor for iOS with the following commands:

ionic build
npm i @capacitor/ios
npx cap add ios

Add your custom scheme to ios/App/App/Info.plist:


Then, run your project using the Capacitor CLI:

npx cap run ios

You can also open your project in Xcode and configure code signing.

npx cap open ios

Then run your app from Xcode.

iOS and Cordova

If you want to use Cordova, you must integrate this library with ng add @oktadev/schematics --platform=cordova.

Then, generate a native project with the following command:

ionic cordova prepare ios

Open your project in Xcode, configure code signing, and run your app.

open platforms/ios/MyApp.xcworkspace


If you ran ng add @oktadev/schematics without a --platform parameter, your project has been configured for Capacitor. Build and add Capacitor for Android with the following commands:

ionic build
npm i @capacitor/android
npx cap add android

Add your reverse domain name as the android:scheme in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml by adding another <intent-filter> above the existing one in the <activity> element.

    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
    <data android:scheme="com.okta.dev-133337" />

The SafariViewController Cordova Plugin is installed as part of this project. Capacitor uses AndroidX dependencies, but the SafariViewController plugin uses an older non-AndroidX dependency. Use jetifier to patch usages of old support libraries with the following commands:

npm install jetifier
npx jetify
npx cap sync android

Then, run your project using the Capacitor CLI:

npx cap run android

You can also open your project in Android Studio and run your app.

npx cap open android

Android and Cordova

If you want to use Cordova, you must add this library with ng add @oktadev/schematics --platform=cordova.

Then, generate a native project with the following command:

ionic cordova prepare android

Set the launchMode to singleTask so the URL does not trigger a new instance of the app in platforms/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:


Open platforms/android in Android Studio and run your app.

If you get a Gradle error in Android Studio, go to File > Project Structure and change the Android Gradle Plugin to 4.0.1. Kudos to Stack Overflow.

See Ionic's iOS and Android Development docs for more information.

React Native

Create a new React Native project with the React Native CLI.

npx react-native init SecureApp

You will need an issuer and a clientId to begin. You can obtain those from Okta by completing the following steps.

Create an Application in Okta

  1. Install the Okta CLI
  2. Run okta register to create an account, followed by okta apps create
  3. Choose Native and accept the default Redirect URI of com.okta.dev-133337:/callback (where dev-133337.okta.com is your Okta domain)
  4. Use com.okta.dev-133337:/logout for the Post Logout Redirect URI

Install the Schematics CLI globally.

npm install -g @angular-devkit/schematics-cli

Install and run the add-auth schematic in your SecureApp project.

cd SecureApp
npm i -D @oktadev/schematics
schematics @oktadev/schematics:add-auth --issuer=$issuer --clientId=$clientId

You can also use the Okta Admin Console:

  • Log in to your Okta instance (or create an account if you don't have one). Go to Applications > Create App Integration > OIDC.
  • Choose Native as the application type and click Next.
  • Add com.okta.dev-133337:/callback as a Login redirect URI and com.okta.dev-133337:/callback as a Logout redirect URI (where dev-133337.okta.com is your Okta domain).


Run pod install --project-directory=ios --repo-update to install the Okta OIDC iOS SDK.

Start your app and authenticate with Okta. 🎉

npm run ios


One change is made to Android build files to integrate the Okta OIDC Android SDK.

  • In android/app/build.gradle, an appAuthRedirectScheme is added in android > defaultConfig.

Since this modification is done for you, you can simply start your app and authenticate with Okta. 🎊

npm run android

For more information, see the Okta React Native SDK documentation.


Create a new project with express-generator and pug.

mkdir express-app
cd express-app
npx express-generator --view=pug

Add an OpenID Connect App in Okta

  1. Install the Okta CLI
  2. Run okta register to create an account, followed by okta apps create
  3. Choose Web > Other and use http://localhost:3000/callback for the Redirect URI
  4. Accept the default Post Logout Redirect URI (http://localhost:3000)

Install the Schematics CLI globally.

npm install -g @angular-devkit/schematics-cli

Then install and run the add-auth schematic in your express-app project.

The Okta CLI will create an .okta.env file in the current directory. It will have the values you need. After you use them in the command below, you can delete this file.

npm i -D @oktadev/schematics
schematics @oktadev/schematics:add-auth --issuer=$issuer \
  --clientId=$clientId --clientSecret=$clientSecret

🚨 This process will create an .env file will be generated with your Okta credentials. Make sure to add *.env to .gitignore and don't check it into source control!

Start your app and authenticate with Okta at http://localhost:3000. 🎊

npm start

See the Okta OIDC Middleware SDK for more information.

You can also create your app using the Okta Admin Console:

  • Log into the Okta Developer Dashboard (or create an account if you don't have one), click Applications then Create App Integration > OIDC.
  • Choose Web as the application type and click Next.
  • Add a Login redirect URI of http://localhost:3000/callback.
  • Add a Logout redirect URI of http://localhost:3000.
  • Click Save.


This project supports unit tests and integration tests.

npm test will run the unit tests, using Jasmine as a runner and test framework.

./test-app.sh angular will create an Angular project with Angular CLI, install this project, and make sure all the project's tests pass. Other options include react, react-ts, vue, vue-ts, ionic, ionic-cordova, react-native, and express.

./test-all.sh will test all the options: Angular, React, React with TypeScript, Vue, Vue with TypeScript, Ionic with Cordova, Ionic with Capacitor, React Native, and Express.


To publish, simply do:

npm publish

That's it!


If you'd like to modify this library, and contribute your changes, you can start by forking it to your own GitHub repository. Then, clone it to your hard drive.

git clone git@github.com:<your username>/schematics.git
cd schematics

Create a new branch for your changes:

git checkout -b my-awesome-branch

Make the changes you want to make and add tests where appropriate. Create a new project with whatever framework you're using, then run the following command inside it to use your modified project.

npm link /path/to/schematics

You'll need to run npm run build whenever you change anything in the schematics project.

NOTE: You can also use npm pack in your schematics project, then npm install /path/to/artifact.tar.gz in your test project. This mimics npm install more than npm link.


See the following blog posts to see OktaDev Schematics in action.


This project uses the following open source libraries from Okta:

For Ionic, it uses Ionic AppAuth.


Please post any questions as issues or ask them on the Okta Developer Forums.


Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.