This Babel plugin will take a set of config values (or load them from a file path) and replace all occurrences in the parsed scripts. This plugin is compatible with Babel 7. Other Babel versions have not been tested.
npm i -D @oliver-schoendorn/babel-plugin-transform-define
Configuration example (.babelrc, static config)
"plugins": [
[ "@oliver-schoendorn/babel-plugin-transform-define", {
"values": { "your": "values" }
} ]
Configuration example (.babelrc, config from file)
"plugins": [
[ "@oliver-schoendorn/babel-plugin-transform-define", {
"file": "./src/config"
} ]
All of the following example will use these plugin config values:
"values": {
"process.env.NODE_ENV": "production",
"isProduction": true,
"API_HOST": "https://your.domain/"
"VAR": null,
"TEST_STUFF": "/^foo$/igm",
"didRTFM": true
Variable declarations
const initState = { initialized: true }
const appState = { global: { ...CONFIG, isProduction }, ...initialized }
const thisWorks = asWell = isProduction
const VAR = { CONFIG }
const initState = { initialized: true }
const appState = { global: { ...{ "API_HOST": "https://your.domain" } }, ...initialized }
const thisWorks = asWell = true
const VAR = { CONFIG: { "API_HOST": "https://your.domain" } }
Assignments and calls
const myObject = {}, isProduction = false = VAR
myObject.isProduction = isProduction
new RegExp(TEST_STUFF)
Object.keys(CONFIG).map(key => console.log(key))
const myObject = {}, isProduction = false = null
myObject.isProduction = isProduction
new RegExp("/^foo$/igm")
Object.keys({ "API_HOST": "https://your.domain" }).map(key => console.log(key))
export { CONFIG }
export default isProduction
const CONFIG = { "API_HOST": "https://your.domain" }
export { CONFIG }
const isProduction = true
export default isProduction
Conditionals evaluation
if (isProduction) { doThings() }
else { doSomthingElse() }
if (! isProduction) { whatEver() }
else { sorcery() }
const youAre = didRTFM ? 'awesome' : 'lazy'
const complicated = didRTFM && ! isProduction
const canNotEvaluate = didRTFM && require('./aScript')
{ doThings() }
{ sorcery() }
const youAre = 'awesome'
const complicated = false
const canNotEvaluate = true && require('./aScript')
Option key | Description | Type | Default value |
values | Object with keys and values, that should be replaced. Please note that only the top level keys will be used for replacement. If you want to define process.env.NODE_ENV for instance, use { "process.env.NODE_ENV": "production" } |
object |
{} |
file | Instead of passing an object, you can also reference a file. The given path has to be relative to your babel config and should use module.exports = { API_HOST: "https://..." } |
string |
undefined |
memberExpressions | You can disable the processing of member expressions (node.env.NODE_ENV ). |
boolean |
true |
exportExpressions | Toggles the processing of export expressions (export { MY_CONFIG } or export default MY_CONFIG ). Note: If you enable this option, you will have to set the babel parser option allowUndeclaredExports to true . |
boolean |
true |
evaluateConditionals | Toggles the evaluation and simplification of If Statements, Unary Statements and so on. | boolean |
true |
verbose | If set to true, some information about the replaced nodes and their types will be printed to the console. | boolean |
false |