
Wrap your reports in an index.html file with a single command

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ollelauribostromHindex from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ollelauribostrom/hindex';


hindex 🗂

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Wrap your reports in an index.html file with a single command using hindex. Subfolders containing different reports (with an index.html file) can quickly be linked together. Have a look at an example of how hindex was used to wrap and present reports during a Google Summer of Code project at Mozilla.


yarn add hindex or
yarn global add hindex or
npm install hindex or
npm install hindex -g


Before you can use hindex, you need to create a configuration file called hindex.config.json. The following options are available.

Option Description Type Default
baseDir The folder containing the subfolders you want to wrap String process.cwd()
exclude Array of subfolder you want to exclude when wrapping Array ['.git']
categories Array of categories to create Array []
title The title used in the generated index.html String 'hindex'
categoryPrefix Category name prefix to remove String ''
categoryPostfix Category name postfix to remove String ''
hideCategoryNames Remove category names in the generated index.html Boolean false

Example hindex.config.json

  "baseDir": "./reports",
  "exclude": ["some-folder", ".git"],
  "categories": ["coverage"],
  "title": "Coverage reports",
  "categoryPostfix": "-",
  "hideCategoryNames": true


NOTE: Make sure you have created a configuration file called hindex.config.json.

From the command line

A global installation of hindex can be used directly from the command line.

# Generate index.html wrapper

# Specify a custom path to your hindex config
hindex -c=./config/hindex.config.json
hindex --config=./config/hindex.config.json

# Run in debug mode
hindex -d
hindex --debug

# Print version
hindex -v
hindex --version

From your package.json

A local installation of hindex can be used from your project's package.json.

"scripts": {
  "hindex": "hindex"
yarn hindex

From your code

It's also possible to import hindex in your code. The hindex function takes an optional object with the properties described in the Configuration section

import hindex from '@ollelauribostrom/hindex';

const config = {
  baseDir: '/reports'
  title: 'Reports',
  categories: ['coverage', 'webpack']

const result = hindex(config);
// result.dir => reports
// result.index => file:///some/path/reports/index.html


This package was originally created to quickly be able to wrap and present different reports that where generated during my Google Summer of Code project at Mozilla.

Report folder structure

├── .git
├── coverage-2018-05-12
    ├── index.html
├── mutation-2018-05-14
    ├── index.html
├── webpack-stats-2018-05-31
    ├── index.html
├── hindex.config.json
├── package.json



"scripts": {
  "hindex": "hindex"


  "exclude": [".git"],
  "categories": ["coverage", "mutation", "webpack-stats"],
  "title": "Reports"


Each time a new report folder was added, a new wrapping index.html could quickly be generated.

yarn hindex


Live example Example

Running your own local development copy

# Install dependencies

# Create a symbolic link
yarn link

# Start babel in watch mode
yarn start

# Run your development copy

Running the tests

yarn test
yarn coverage
yarn lint


All contributions are very much welcome. Please get familiar with the contributing guide.


Please open an issue for support.
