
BLS signature for Node.js by WebAssembly for Olympus protocol

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import olympusProtocolBlsWasm from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@olympus-protocol/bls-wasm';


Node.js CI

BLS signature for Node.js by WebAssembly


This module is built with BLS_ETH=1 for Ethereum 2.0 spec.


Init as the followings:


(old) The new eth2.0 functions are supported. This mode will be removed in the future.

Init as the followings:


then, you can use the following functions.

bls-eth-wasm eth2.0 spec name
SecretKey::sign Sign
PublicKey::verify Verify
Sign::aggregate Aggregate
Sign::fastAggregateVerify FastAggregateVerify
Sign::aggregateVerifyNoCheck AggregateVerify

The size of message must be 32 byte.

Check functions:

  • verifySignatureOrder ; make deserialize check the correctness of the order
  • Sign::isValidOrder ; check the correctness of the order
  • verifyPublicKeyOrder ; make deserialize check the correctness of the order
  • PublicKey::isValidOrder ; check the correctness of the order
  • areAllMsgDifferent ; check that all messages are different each other

Old eth2.0 spec

The msg in the following means 40 bytes Uint8Array data.

  • SecretKey.signHashWithDomain(msg)
    • sign msg by secretKey
  • PublicKey.verifyHashWithDomain(sig, msg)
    • verify sig with msg by publickey
  • Signature.verifyAggregatedHashWithDomain(pubVec, msgVec)
    • pubVec[i] = secVec[i].getPublicKey()
    • sigVec[i] = secVec[i].signHashWithDomain(msgVec[i])
    • aggSig = sum of sigVec[i]
    • aggSig.verifyAggregatedHashWithDomain(pubVec, msgVec)
    • see aggTest() in test.js

see bls

For Node.js

node test.js


modified new BSD License http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause


MITSUNARI Shigeo(herumi@nifty.com) Julian Meyer julianmeyer2000@gmail.com

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