
An OAuth 2 implementation from the Omnile Team.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import omnileOauth2server from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@omnile/oauth2server';



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             Techflow like the Nile RiverĀ®.

About this package?

OAuth2 Server for NodeJs. Only Password and Refresh Token grant types are available now. More grant types will come soon.

Installing this package

To install library, simply run

$ npm install omnile-oauth2

Basic Usage

Authorization Server

Generating an access token:

The repositories must implement their corresponding interfaces.

const AuthorizationServer = require('omnile-oauth2');
import { ServerOptionsI, AuthPayloadI, ClientEntityI, UserEntityI } from 'omnile-oauth2';
// Server options
const options: ServerOptionsI = {
    clientRepository: clients,
    userRepository: users,
    tokenRepository: tokens,
    privateKey: pathToPrivateKey,
    tokenExpiryMins: 30,
    encryptionKey: 'some-strong-encryption-key'
// Create the authorization server
const authServer = new AuthorizationServer(options);

// A given request payload
const payload: AuthPayloadI = {
    client: ClientEntityI,
    grant_type: 'password', // For password grant type
    user: UserEntityI

    const accessToken = await authServer.getAccessToken(payload);

Resource Server

Authenticate access token

import { ResourceServer, AuthenticatedRequestI } from 'omnile-oauth2';
const resourceServer = new ResourceServer();
const request: AuthenticatedRequestI = {
    access_token: 'access-token-generated'   
    const decoded = await resourceServer.validateAuthenticatedRequest(request);
}catch (e){


Simply run the test as follows

$ npm test


To contribute, please send us an email at technical@omnile.com.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
Send emails to technical@omnile.com



How can I thank you?

Star the github repo, Share the link for this repository on Twitter or HackerNews and Spread the word!

Thanks! The Omnile Team