
Load another reactjs app as plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import oneViewPluginLoaderReact from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@one-view/plugin-loader-react';



Allow a ReactJS app to be dynamically loaded as a plugin. Also provide a ReactJS component to load the plugin.


Preparing the ReactJS App Plugin

Add the following lines to your src/index.js file. The purpose of these lines is to create an entry point to render and unmount the ReactJS app. Once added you may notice that npm start will render a blank page instead. Follow the next section to restore the behavior of npm start to allow running the ReactJS app locally.


import { bootstrap } from 'plugin-loader-react';

bootstrap('PLUGIN_NAME', App, 'v1.0.1');

Allow npm start to launch the app

The previous section would have moved the app entry point to a JavaScript function. To launch the app when we run npm start, we need to call the JavaScript when the app loads the first time. Add the following code to the public/index.html. Here we add a script section to call the entry point when the window loads.


Only needed if you wish to be able to run the web app when calling npm start

    <div id="entry" style="width: 100vw;height: 100vh;"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        window.onload = () => {

Loading a plugin

Once we have prepare the ReactJS app as a plugin, other ReactJS app can now load them dynamically. The following code shows how we can load another plugin dynamically. You may pass in custom data in the detail property. The detail property will appear in the plugin. If no value is passed into the detail prop, it will be undefined.

The loader by default will retry loading the plugin 3 times. The number is configurable in retry prop.

Loading Another Plugin

import Loader from 'plugin-loader-react';

class AppView {
    render = () => {
        return (
                detail={{ key1: 'value1' }}