
This project contains the style guide for the Onegini Identity Cloud. It contains React components in the Onegini styling. It produces a component library for the micro-frontends and a site with all the components.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import oneginiConsoleDesign from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@onegini/console-design';


Onegini Console Design


This project contains the style guide for the Onegini Identity Cloud. It contains React components in the Onegini styling. It produces a component library for the micro-frontends and a site with all the components.

Note: the package is publicly available.

Use the component library

Include the component library in your project using:

npm install --save @onegini/console-design

Add the peer dependencies from the package.json to your project.

Learn More


(c) Copyright Onegini B.V. 2020