
A Conflict-free Replicated Database stores only conflict-free replicated data types.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import onichandameDdb from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@onichandame/ddb';


Distributed Database

A Conflict-free Replicated Database stores only conflict-free replicated data types.

A conflict-free replicated data type is defined as:

  1. operations are commutative
  2. operations are idempotent
  3. operations are associative

The resultant data can be concurrently accessed or modified in many replicas and merge to a consistant final state in any later time.

Data Types

This section summarizes all the native data types supported and the operations corresponding to each type. read is availabel for all types.


true or false.

Growth-Only Counter

monotonically increasing non-negative integer.

Growth-Only Set

unordered set.