
OpDB Base Classes

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import opdbBase from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@opdb/base';



This is an abstraction layer for database connections, connection and transaction handling.

The package contains two major things:

  1. Base classes to coordinate database connections
  2. Interfaces to implement database drivers

Base Classes


Main class. Maintains a connection to a database connection pool.

To execute an SQL query run this:

import { Base } from '@opdb/base';

// Returns Promise<any[]>, representing any line that shall be returned.
Base.execute(`SELECT * FROM users`);

// You can supply an interface to have a type-safe response.
Base.execute<{id: string, username: string}>(`SELECT * FROM users`);

// You can use placeholders to escape your SQL query. The placeholders will be replaced correctly
// for each database adapter automatically.
// This will run the SQL query `SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1`
Base.execute<{id: string, username: string}>(`SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $id`, {id: 1});

To start a new transaction run this:

import { Base } from '@opdb/base';

// Method `transaction` accepts a block. Any statement within the block is run inside the transaction
// This example will run the following SQL statements:
// - BEGIN;
// - UPDATE users SET username = `marc` WHERE id = 1;
// - COMMIT;
Base.transaction(async () => {
  await Base.execute(`UPDATE users SET username = $username WHERE id = $id`, {
    id: 1,
    username: 'marc',

// If any exception occurs during the transaction, the transaction will be rolled back.
// This example will run the following SQL statements:
// - BEGIN
// - UPDATE users SET username = `marc` WHERE id = 1;
Base.transaction(async () => {
  await Base.execute(`UPDATE users SET username = $username WHERE id = $id`, {
    id: 1,
    username: 'marc',
  throw new Error();


This class manages a pool of database connections. The connections themselves are managed by the database adapters.

To register a new adapter run this:

import { ConnectionPool, DatabaseAdapter } from '@opdb/base';

class FancyDatabaseAdapter implements DatabaseAdapter {
  // Custom Implementation here


To connect a given database adapter run this:

import { Base } from '@opdb/base';

  adapter: 'fancy-adapter',
  // Adapter specific config

To get a database connection from the connection pool, use this method:

import { Base } from '@opdb/base';

// This will return a Promise<DatabaseClient> which will handle the database connection.

Important Notes

@opdb/base uses zone.js for handling transactions.

At the moment, zone.js is unable to use native node async/await.

Therefore, you should use TypeScript or Babel to compile your code in ES2015.