
Node.js CLI progress bar.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import openTechWorldCliProgressBar from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@open-tech-world/cli-progress-bar';



Build CodeFactor npm (scoped)

Node.js CLI progress bar.

Internally it uses @open-tech-world/es-cli-styles for terminal colors. Refer it for supported colors.


Using npm

$ npm install @open-tech-world/cli-progress-bar

Using Yarn

$ yarn add @open-tech-world/cli-progress-bar


import { ProgressBar } from '@open-tech-world/cli-progress-bar';

const pBar = new ProgressBar({ prefix: 'Downloading' });
pBar.run({ value: 0, total: 100 });
pBar.run({ value: 50, total: 100 });
pBar.run({ value: 100, total: 100, prefix: 'Download Completed!' });


new ProgressBar(options?: Partial<IOptions>)

It creates a new instance of the ProgressBar.


Name Type Default Description
stream NodeJS.WriteStream process.stderr The stream to use.
width number 30 The size of the progress bar.
prefix string '' The string to be prefixed progress bar.
suffix string '' The string to be suffixed progress bar.
color string 'green' The color to render the progress bar. Refer the supported color names here.
autoClear boolean false If true, then it auto clears the progress bar when it reaches 100%.

Instance methods:

run(options: IRunOptions): void

Runs the current progress bar instance with the given values & options.


Name Type Default Required Description
value number NaN Yes The current value of the progress bar.
total number NaN Yes The total value for the progress bar.
prefix string '' No The string to be prefixed progress bar.
suffix string '' No The string to be suffixed progress bar.
color string 'green' No The color to render the progress bar. Refer the supported color names here.

stop(clear = false): void

Stops the current progress bar instance with the current state and optionally clears the progress bar.

pBar.stop(); // It just stops the progress bar.

pBar.stop(true); // It stops & removes the progress bar.


Copyright (c) 2021, Thanga Ganapathy (MIT License).