
Helpers and utils for lit-html and lit-element.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import openWcLitHelpers from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@open-wc/lit-helpers';


Development >> Lit Helpers ||20

A library with helpers functions for working with lit.


npm i --save @open-wc/lit-helpers@next

Privately Settable Read-Only Properties

ReadOnlyPropertiesMixin provides a way for based on LitElement (or it's parent class UpdatingElement) to define properties by adding readOnly: true to their property declaration. Those properties are read-only from the outside, but can be updated internally with the setReadOnlyProperties method.

import { ReadOnlyPropertiesMixin } from '@open-wc/lit-helpers';
import { LitElement } from 'lit';
class SettableElement extends ReadOnlyPropertiesMixin(LitElement) {
  static get properties() {
    return {
      timestamp: { type: Number, readOnly: true },

  constructor() {
    this.timestamp = Date.now();

  updateTime() {
    this.setReadOnlyProperties({ timestamp: Date.now() });

  render() {
    return html`
      <button @click="${this.updateTime}">Update Time</button>

The mixin also supports the @property decorator.

import { ReadOnlyPropertiesMixin } from '@open-wc/lit-helpers';
import { LitElement, property } from 'lit';
class SettableElement extends ReadOnlyPropertiesMixin(LitElement) {
  @property({ type: Number, readOnly: true }) timestamp = Date.now();

  updateTime() {
    this.setReadOnlyProperties({ timestamp: Date.now() });

  render() {
    return html`
      <button @click="${this.updateTime}">Update Time</button>

Known Limitations

Order of Application Matters

Currently, this mixin only works properly when applied to LitElement (or UpdatingElement) directly. In other words, if you have a component which inherits like the example below, then ReadOnlyPropertiesMixin must be applied to LitElement only.

// Bad
class Lowest extends LitElement {
  @property({ readOnly: true }) lowestProperty = undefined;

class Highest extends ReadOnlyPropertiesMixin(Lowest) {
  // will not work as expected
  @property({ readOnly: true }) highestProperty = undefined;
// Good
class Lowest extends ReadOnlyPropertiesMixin(LitElement) {
  @property({ readOnly: true }) lowestProperty = undefined;

class Highest extends Lowest {
  @property({ readOnly: true }) highestProperty = undefined;

Properties Must be Initialized

Read only properties must be initialized with some value, even if the value is undefined. This is because the mixin allows one free setting, to support class field initialization.

// Bad
class Uninitialized extends ReadOnlyPropertiesMixin(LitElement) {
  @property({ readOnly: true }) uninitialized;

// Good
class Initialized extends ReadOnlyPropertiesMixin(LitElement) {
  @property({ readOnly: true }) initialized = undefined;