
An AngularJS planning component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import oveasoftPlanning from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@oveasoft/planning';


Oveasoft Planning

The Oveasoft's Planning is an AngularJS based package used to display a planning of appointments.

Install it

yarn add @oveasoft/planning

Run it

  • Requires Node 8.4.0+

With yarn:

yarn build - Webpack build
yarn test  - Karma test
yarn demo  - Run the demo

Use it

The module name is : ovaPlanning First, import the module like this :

import ovaPlanning from '@ovasoft/planning';

angular.module('myModule', [ovaPlanning]);

Then you can use the component like this :


It will render an empty planning.

To fill the planning with items, you must pass objects as an array through the appointments property :

<ova-planning appointments="myItems"></ova-planning>

See https://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/ for valid values.

You can pass a template through the configuration to display an appointment.

const myConfiguration = {
    template: $appointment => `<my-appointment-component item="$appointment"></my-appointment-component>`

And set the config key like this :

<ova-planning config="myConfiguration"></ova-planning>

Configure it

You can also pass a config attribute like this :

const myConfiguration = {
    'momentLocale': 'en',
    'datePath': 'date',
    'slot': [[6, 20]],
    'slotInterval': 30,
    'currentWeek': new Date()
<ova-planning config="myConfiguration"></ova-planning>

Available key for configuration

let configuration = {
    currentWeek: moment(),      // The day you want to start on.
    datePath: 'date',           // The path to your date on the data.
    dayLabelFormat: 'ddd DD',   // The format of label.
    debug: false,               // Set the debug mode.
    editOnClick: true,          // Set the built-in appointment edition on click.
    excludedDays: [],           // Exclude days from weeks. (0 = First day of the week, Monday or Sunday depending the locale)
    momentLocale: "fr",         // Set the locale of Moment.
    showControls: false,        // Show/Hide the controls to navigate through planning.
    showLabel: true,            // Show/Hide the label of the current week.
    showPause: true,            // Show/Hide breaks line.
    slot: [[8, 18], [14, 18]],  // Define ranges of weeks.
    slotInterval: 45,           // Define the interval of slots.
    theme: 'blue',              // Set the theme.
    onChangeWeek: () => {},     // Executed when controls are used.
    onClick: (data) => {},      // Executed when an appointment is clicked.
    onLoad: () => {},           // Bind data like placed and misplaced events.
    selectSlot: () => {},       // Return slot information when you click it.
    viewer: 'month',            // Set the default viewer.
    views: {
        week: {
            template: () => '<my-week-template></my-week-template>'     // Set the template for week view.
        month: {
            weeksPerView: {
                default: 4, // The default number of week displayed on the month view.
                current: 4, // The current number of week displayed on the month view.
            template: () => '<my-month-template></my-month-template>'   // Set the template for month view.
        trimester: {
            columnType: 'month',
            range: {
                past: 2,
                future: 2
            labels: date => date.format('MMMM YYYY'),
            template: () => `<my-trimester-template data="$appointment"></my-trimester-template>`


The list of availables viewers :

  • month
  • week
  • trimester


The list of availables themes:

  • blue
  • brown
  • purple
  • teal
  • green
  • navy
  • brick

That's it

Breaking changes


On 1.0.x we used transclude like this to pass the template :

<ova-planning config="myConfiguration">
    <my-appointment-component item="$parent.$parent.$appointment"></my-appointment-component>

On 1.1.x we now pass the template as a parameter of the configuration.

const myConfiguration = {
    momentLocale: 'en',
    slot: [[6, 20]],
    slotInterval: 30,
    currentWeek: new Date(),
    template: $appointment => `<my-appointment-component item="$appointment"></my-appointment-component>`

And remain :

<ova-planning config="myConfiguration"></ova-planning>



As the 1.2.x introduce a secondary view of the planning, the template is now passed this way :

let myConfiguration = {
    momentLocale: 'en',
    slot: [[6, 20]],
    slotInterval: 30,
    currentWeek: new Date(),
    views: {
        week: {
            template: () => '<my-week-template></my-week-template>'
        month: {
            template: () => '<my-month-template></my-month-template>'

Date on items

In <1.1.x, objects in the array MUST have a date property with a value equal to a MomentJS object or any value that can be parsed and give a valid MomentJS object.

Example :

let validItems = [
    { date: moment() },
    { date: '2018-11-05' },
    { date: new Date },
    { date: [2018, 1, 14, 15, 25, 50, 125] }

It's bit different now, you still have to provide a date-like property, but you can choose the path on your data :

Here are some examples :

let configuration = { ... };

let data = [{ id: 1, username: 'Foo', details: { birthday: '1990-12-10' } }];
configuration.datePath = 'details.birthday';

let data = [{ id: 1, path: { to: { date: '1990-12-10' } } }];
configuration.datePath = 'path.to.date';

By default, datePath is set to 'date' and should not break your project.


  • Resolve the scope issue to ommit $parent.$parent.
  • Inject a default template.