
Collapse element for PatternFly Elements

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import patternflyPfeCollapse from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@patternfly/pfe-collapse';


PFElements Collapse Element

pfe-collapse, pfe-collapse-toggle, and pfe-collapse-panel are all elements that are meant to be extended. These elements contain no styling except for the animation styles for pfe-collapse-panel.


pfe-collapse automatically wires up the toggle and panel so when the pfe-collapse-toggle is toggled, it will either open or close the pfe-collapse-panel.

    This is the toggle
    This is the panel

Collapse with a preset ID

  <pfe-collapse-toggle aria-controls="panel1">
    <h3>Collapse Toggle with preset ID</h3>
  <pfe-collapse-panel id="panel1">
    <p>Panel content</p>

Standalone toggle and panel (not wrapped in a pfe-collapse)

The toggle needs an aria-controls attribute that links to the id of the panel.

<pfe-collapse-toggle aria-controls="panel">
  Toggle the Standalone Panel
<p>Other content:</p>
<pfe-collapse-panel id="panel">
  <p>Panel content</p>

Standalone panel

A standalone panel can be opened by any action or event that toggles the expanded property on the panel.

<button>Toggle Panel</button>

<pfe-collapse-panel id="standalone-panel">
  <p>Panel content</p>

  var collapse = document.querySelector("#standalone-panel");

  document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", function() {
    collapse.expanded = !collapse.expanded;


Default slot in pfe-collapse

Place the pfe-collapse-toggle and pfe-collapse-panel elements here.

Default slot in pfe-collapse-toggle

Add the toggle content here.

Default slot in pfe-collapse-panel

Add the collapse panel content here.


animation (observed)

Can turn the animation of the panel expanding and collapsing either on or off. Animation of the panel defaults to true. Adding animation to the pfe-collapse tag will copy the animation attribute to the pfe-collapse-panel.

<pfe-collasible animation="false">

animation can also be added to a pfe-collasible-panel.

<pfe-collasible-panel animation="false">



Fired when pfe-collasible is either expanded or collapsed.

detail: {
  expanded: Boolean,
  toggle: DOM Element,
  panel: DOM Element


Fired when pfe-collapse-panel begins animating the expansion or collapse of the panel.

detail: {
  state: String ("opening", "closing"),
  panel: DOM Element


Fired when pfe-collapse-panel ends animating the expansion or collapse of the panel.

detail: {
  expanded: Boolean,
  panel: DOM Element


npm run test


npm run build


From the PFElements root directory, run:

npm start

Code style

Collapse (and all PFElements) use Prettier to auto-format JS and JSON. The style rules get applied when you commit a change. If you choose to, you can integrate your editor with Prettier to have the style rules applied on every save.