
IoC container for TypeScript and JavaScript applications.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import pequehqDi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@pequehq/di';


Peque DI


Peque DI is an IoC container for TypeScript and JavaScript applications.


npm install @pequehq/di reflect-metadata

Note: tsconfig's compilerOptions must have both experimentalDecorators and emitDecoratorMetadata set to true.


import { Container, Injectable } from '@pequehq/di';

// Decorate with @Injectable() classes to be set to the IoC container.

class Foo {
  getPizza() {
    return 'pizza';

class Bar {
  constructor(private foo: Foo) {}
  test() {

class Counter {
  #counter = 0;

  count() {
    return this.#counter;

// Create a container. This const can be exported to easily access the container across other project files.

const DI = new Container();

// Use `set` to bind injectable classes to the container.

DI.set(Foo, 'Foo'); // The default scope is being a singleton.
DI.set(Bar, 'Bar'); // The default scope is being a singleton.
DI.set(Counter, 'Counter').nonSingleton(); // The scope will be set to not be a singleton.

// Retrieve class instances with `get` (or using constructor properties).

DI.get<Bar>('Bar').test(); // logs "pizza"